- GitHub Staff
- San Mateo California
- http://jonmagic.com/
A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
The all-in-one Desktop & Docker AI application with built-in RAG, AI agents, No-code agent builder, and more.
⛄ Possibly the smallest compiler ever
In-browser code editor (version 5, legacy)
Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.
A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React.
JavaScript Data Grid / Data Table with a Spreadsheet Look & Feel. Works with React, Angular, and Vue. Supported by the Handsontable team ⚡
a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web ▲● ■
Pragmatic, balanced FP in JavaScript. @FLJSBook on twitter.
React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
A React utility belt for function components and higher-order components.
Next-Generation full text search library for Browser and Node.js
💻 Medis is a beautiful, easy-to-use Mac database management application for Redis.
A list of engineering manager resource links.
The Pencil Project's unique mission is to build a free and opensource tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use.
A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright
🏰 All the things you didn't know you wanted to know about data structures
A comprehensive path-finding library for grid based games
A renderer agnostic two-dimensional drawing api for the web.
Ultra lightweight, usable, beautiful autocomplete with zero dependencies.
architecture-free neural network library for node.js and the browser