This repository stores meeting minutes for the SPDX project.
The SPDX Project has several Teams and topical groups that meet at regular intervals. Meeting are open to anyone and it is recommended to also join the related mailing list (as applicable), see SPDX Participate for more information. All attendees will be expected to identify themselves by name on all meetings.
Meetings schedules for the SPDX Project are listed below. All times are listed for US Eastern time zone, 24-hour.
- Time and cadence: once per month on the first Thursday of the month at 11:00
- Where:
- Description: General call with general updates, updates from each Team, and sometimes guest speakers (e.g., talks on how people are using SPDX, GSoC student presentations, etc.)
- Time and cadence: weekly on Tuesdays at 12:00
- Where:
- Descriptions: Regular meeting to work on drafting new versions of the SPDX specification and to discuss technical documentation and official SPDX libraries.
- Time and cadence: twice per month on the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 12:00
- Where:
- .ics files for invites: second Thursdays, fourth Thursdays
- Descriptions: Regular meeting to discuss submissions to SPDX License List, other license list related work, license-related aspects of the SPDX specification, and other related projects.
- Time and cadence: weekly on Mondays at 11:00
- Where:
- Descriptions: Regular meeting to coordinate public relations efforts and discuss current projects.
- Time and cadence: weekly on Mondays at 14:00
- Where:
- Descriptions: Regular meeting to discuss and propose the SPDX build profile and other adjacent elements.
- Descriptions: Regular meeting to develop the Canonical Serialisation for SPDX 3.0 and agree on recommendations to make to the Tech Team where appropriate.
- Note: the group has paused their regular meetings, waiting for final serialization(s) outcome.
- Time and cadence: weekly on Wednesdays at 14:00
- Where:
- Description: Regular meeting to discuss representation of defects, vulnerabilities and mitigations.
- Time and cadence: every 2 weeks on Wednesday at 11:00
- Where:
- Description: Regular meeting for tool creators implementing the SPDX specification to meet and compare notes
- Time and cadence: weekly on Wednesdays at 17:00
- Where:
- Description: Regular meeting to discuss how the SPDX specification can better support and track artificial intelligence and machine learning use-cases.
- Time and cadence: weekly on Fridays at 9:00
- Where:
- Description: Regular meeting to discuss how the SPDX specification can better support and track functional safety plans.
- Time and cadence: weekly on Thursdays at 11:00
- Where:
- Description: Regular meeting to discuss the serialisation formats for SPDX, enumerating the use cases for serialisation and determining stakeholder preferences.
- Time and cadence: every 2 weeks on Monday at 13:00
- Where:
- Description: Regular meeting to discuss how the SPDX specification can better support and track SAAS use cases.