It just started as a post in Medium where I was collecting all the free trainings with and without certificates that were released from different companies supporting Cloud Native Computing Foundation Projects and Kubernetes related OSS.
Whether you are studying for a Kubernetes Certification or powering your career as DevOps Engineer, Cloud Engineer, Platform Engineer, Cloud Developer, Developer Advocate, or SRE, this set of trainings could prepare you well to face many Cloud Native transformation challenges
You can get 50, yes, more than 50 certificates or badges from this awesome repository of training.
And, after 3 years we got more than 1.7k stars
- Painless Vulnerability Management - Course + Badge
- Securing the AI/ML Supply Chain - Course + Badge
- Introduction to Continuous Delivery and GitOps using Argo CD - Course + Badge
- Architecting - Course + Badge
- Serverless - Course + Badge
- Object Storage - Course + Badge
- Block Storage - Course + Badge
- File Storage - Course + Badge
- Storage Data Migration - Course + Badge
- Data Protection & Disaster Recovery - Course + Badge
- Getting Started with Cilium - Labs + Badge
- Cilium Cluster Mesh - Labs + Badge
- Cilium Service Mesh - Labs + Badge
- Isovalent Cilium Enterprise: Network Policies - Labs + Badge
- Cilium LoadBalancer IPAM and BGP Service Advertisement - Labs + Badge
- Introduction to Kubeflow - Training + Certification
- ScyllaDB Courses with Certificates - Courses + Completion Certificates
- ArangoDB Certified Professional - Certificate
- Introduction to Redis Data Structures - Certificate
- Redis for Java Developers - Certificate
- Redis for JavaScript Developers - Certificate
- Redis for Python Developers - Certificate
- Redis for .NET Developers - Certificate
- Redis: Querying, Indexing and Full-Text Search - Certificate
- Redis: Storing, Indexing and Querying JSON at Speed - Certificate
- Running Redis at Scale - Certificate
- Redis Security - Certificate
- Redis Certified Developer - Certificate
- Practical Observability - Course + Certificate
- Introduction to Distrbuited SQL and CockroachDB - Course + Certificate
- Practical First Steps with CockroachDB - Course + Certificate
- Docker Essentials - Course + Badge
- Building Cloud Native and Multi Cloud Applications - Course + Certification
- Harness Chaos Engineering Practitioner - Course + Certificate
- Summer of Kubernetes - Labs + Challenges + Prizes
- Kyverno Fundamentals - Introduction Course + Certification
- Build Smart on Kubernetes - Labs + Credly Badge
- Envoy Fundamentals - Course + Certification
- Istio Fundamentals - Course + Certification
- Certified Istio Administrator by Tetrate - Certification
- GitOps Fundamentals - Course + Certification
- Kubernetes Badges (Apprentice, Defender, Helmsman, Contender, Protector, Surveyor, Architect, Rookie and Explorer) - Labs + Badges
On-demand Workshops:
- Get Started with Istio (with Fundamentals for Istio Certification) - Hands on workshop lab + Quiz for credly badge
- Deploy Istio for Production (with Intermediate for Istio Certification) - Hands on workshop lab + Quiz for credly badge
- Get Started with Istio Ambient Mesh (with Istio Ambient Mesh Foundation Certification) - Hands on workshop lab + Quiz for credly badge
- Introduction to Cilium (with Fundamentals for Cilium Certification) - Hands on workshop lab + Quiz for credly badge
- Get Started with Envoy Proxy (with Fundamentals for Envoy Certification) - Hands on workshop lab + Quiz for credly badge
- Get Started with eBPF (with Fundamentals for eBPF Certification) - Hands on workshop lab + Quiz for credly badge
Upcoming Events: Conferences - Live Streams - Webinars - Instructor led workshops
- Certified Calico Operator: Level 1 (Kubernetes Networking and Security) - Training + Certification
- Certified Calico Operator: AWS Expert - Training + Certification
- Certified Calico Operator: eBPF - Training + Certification
- Chef Principles Certification - Training | Certification
- Chaos Engineering Practitioner Certificate Program - Training | Certification
- Gitlab Level Up Training Platform - Free Training and Certifications
- MongoDB Basics - Training + Certification
- Full Stack Observability Certificate - Certification
- Kubernetes Labs - Online Training
- Cloud Native Tutorials - Training
- Kubernetes Cloud Native Associate Certification Course by ExamPro - Video Course
- Observability Trainings - Training
- Master Traefik with K3S - Training
- Introduction to Cilium - [Training]
- Introduction to Istio - Training
- Introduction to GitOps - Training
- Introduction to Service Mesh with Linkerd - Training
- Introduction to Kubernetes on the Edge with k3s - Training
- Introduction to Cloud Foundry and Cloud-Native Software Architecture - Training
- AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - Training
- DevOps Engineer Learning Plan - Learning Plan
- Containers Learning Plan (Multiple languages) - Learning Plan
- Developer Learning Plan (Multiple languages) - Learning Plan
- Cloud Native Technology Foundations - Training
- Introduction to Prometheus - Training
- Certified Jenkins Engineer 2021 - Training
- Apache Cassandra Developer - Training
- Apache Cassandra Administrator - Training
- Apache Cassandra Operations in K8S - Training
- Kubernetes-related courses - VMWare Kube Academy
- Shift Left DevOps - Training
Open to suggestions, enhancements and collaborations, open a PR and make your contributions.
Awesome Cloud Native Trainings by @joseadanof is licensed under CC BY 4.0