- Montreal, Canada
- http://jpktd.blogspot.ca/
Starred repositories
Hypothesis and statistical testing in Python
Multiple Pairwise Comparisons (Post Hoc) Tests in Python
BAyesian Model-Building Interface (Bambi) in Python.
Tools for Macroecological Analyses Using Python
Pareto chart for python (similar to Matlab's, but much more flexible)
A repository of code to be integrated with SciPy's KDE module
Constrained multivariate least-squares optimizer for scipy
Constrained multivariate least-squares optimizer for scipy
josef-pkt / pandas
Forked from pandas-dev/pandasFlexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
josef-pkt / r_vs_py
Forked from chrisjordansquire/r_vs_pySimple comparison of Python and R for a basic OLS analysis
Simple comparison of Python and R for a basic OLS analysis
Notes used to give tutorials (for example at Euroscipy 2010)
josef-pkt / statsmodels
Forked from statsmodels/statsmodelsmain repo of statsmodels
Statsmodels: statistical modeling and econometrics in Python
josef-pkt / kuiper
Forked from aarchiba/kuiperKuiper test and other tools from circular statistics
josef-pkt / la
Forked from kwgoodman/laMeet larry, the labeled numpy array
Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
Tutorial material on the scientific Python ecosystem
Kuiper test and other tools from circular statistics