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A MinUI Emu Pak for Dreamcast, wrapping the standalone flycast N64 emulator (version 7d64554).


This pak is designed and tested on the following MinUI Platforms and devices:

  • tg5040: Trimui Brick (formerly tg3040)

Use the correct platform for your device.


  1. Mount your MinUI SD card.
  2. Download the latest release from Github. It will be named
  3. Copy the zip file to /Emus/$PLATFORM/
  4. Extract the zip in place, then delete the zip file.
  5. Confirm that there is a /Emus/$PLATFORM/DC.pak/ file on your SD card.
  6. Create a folder at /Roms/Sega Dreamcast (DC) and place your roms in this directory.
  7. Copy your BIOS files to /BIOS/DC. The paths are as follows
    1. Dreamcast: /BIOS/DC/dc_boot.bin
    2. Naomi: /BIOS/DC/
  8. Unmount your SD Card and insert it into your MinUI device.


Browse to Sega Dreamcast and press A to play a game.

The following filetypes are supported:

  • Native: .cdi, .chd, .cue and .bin, .gdi and .bin.

Controller Layouts

Default Controller Layout

Dreamcast Controller Keys:

Hardware Button Dreamcast Mapping
L1 L
R1 R
Action Hardware Combination
MinUI Menu Resume State X
Quit Game MENU
Flycast Menu SELECT
Fast Forward R2
Load State L3, or HOTKEY 1
Save State R3, or HOTKEY 2
Screenshot L2

Emulator settings

To change emulator settings, press and hold the R2 button while selecting/resuming a game to play. Hold R2 until a menu appears.

If the B or MENU buttons are pressed, the user is returned to the MinUI game selection screen. Settings are managed on a per-game basis, and can be saved for future gameplay, or the game can be started with the current settings as is.

To start a game in this menu, press the X button. Any settings currently selected will be used for the game session.

Settings in this menu can be saved by selecting Save settings for game and pressing the A button. This will save the settings and bring the user back to the menu. The X button can be pressed to start the game.

This pak also ships with some default Flycast settings. Users may edit these settings in the in-emulator settings menu, and they will persist across game sessions. To reset these settings to the ones shipped with Flycast, select Re-apply default flycast settings and press the A button.

Controller Layout

Allows changing between controller layouts.

  • default: default
  • options: default, custom

If default is set, the pak will reset the settings to the built-in controller mapping on boot.

When custom is selected, users will be allowed to customize their controller layout and have that persist across game starts. These settings will also be stored in a per-game path, and restored when that same game is played again.

CPU Mode

Allows changing the CPU Mode the emulator uses at runtime.

  • default: performance
  • options: ondemand, performance


Allows changing how the dpad is used in game.

  • default: dpad
  • options: dpad, joystick, joystick and dpad, joystick on f2

Widescreen Mode


See this document for details on how Dreamcast handles widescreen mode.

Allows toggling between widescreen modes

  • default: off
  • options: off, on, cheat

Save states

In addition to in-game saves, this pak supports a single save state. Save states are stored in $SDCARD_PATH/.userdata/shared/DC-flycast


Screenshots are written to /Screenshots with a sanitized version of the rom name as the screenshot prefix.

Sleep Mode

Built-in MinUI cores have support for turning off the display and eventually shutting down when the power button is pressed. Standalone emulators do not have this functionality due to needing support inside of the console for this. At this time, this pak does not implement sleep mode.

Debug Logging

To enable debug logging, create a file named debug in $SDCARD_PATH/.userdata/$PLATFORM/DC-flycast folder. Logs will be written to the$SDCARD_PATH/.userdata/$PLATFORM/logs/ folder.


Name Image
Emulator Settings