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Open Source Everything: A curated list of the best open source software
improved fork of nginx-proxy-manager
bschick / promobee
Forked from jdgeenen/promobeePrometheus Exporter for Ecobee
brendan-w / python-OBD
Forked from Pbartek/pyobd-piOBD-II serial module for reading engine data
Discord bot for managing your PZ server.
leanke / pokegym
Forked from PufferAI/pokegymGymnasium environment for Pokemon Red
Health data scraper that turns the data into prometheus metrics and grafana annotations.
ZeroFox5866 / nucleuscoop
Forked from nucleuscoop/nucleuscoopAn unofficial mod for Nucleus Co-Op, which is an application that starts multiple instances of a game for split-screen multiplayer gaming!
OpenWeatherMap current weather data exporter for Prometheus
digitalocean / autoscaler
Forked from kubernetes/autoscalerAutoscaling components for Kubernetes
tyrantelf / gmod-mapvote
Forked from willox/gmod-mapvoteFretta like map voting system for GMOD13.
viAtom / prophunters
Forked from MechanicalMind/prophuntersProphunters gamemode for Garry's Mod
100acrebb / prophunters
Forked from MechanicalMind/prophuntersProphunters gamemode for Garry's Mod
MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications. Soundflower works on macOS Catalina.
morgenman / NetWatcher2
Forked from rikpg/NetWatcherDeluge plugin monitoring the local network activity and deciding if pause or resume all torrents.