I wrote this using Deno to experiment with Deno and improve a workflow I wrote for myself for Alfred.
The basic idea:
- In code configure your various sub-tasks
- In Alfred, point to your script for querying and for executing
- Use Alfred
This isn't currently in any kind of package management because it felt overkill for what I needed at this point. So steps to running are like so:
- Install Alfred
- Install Deno
- Pull this code
- Author your Alfred items in code
- Point Alfred workflow at your code
- Execute your query
I recommend having a bin
dir in your Home directory. In there you might add something like this:
import { Parser, ItemHandler } from "../Code/alfredio/alfredio.ts";
const items = [new ItemHandler({
uid: "jonphenow.alfred.gh",
type: "default",
title: "Open My GitHub",
autocomplete: "github",
arg: "github",
action: ["open", "https://github.com/jphenow"],
matcher: (query) => {
if (query.length === 0) { return true; }
const [subcommand] = query;
return "github".startsWith(subcommand);
Parser.process(items, Deno.args.slice(1));
For more information on the format of the AlfredItems see the interface and the Alfred Docs
- In Alfred Preferences, create a new workflow
- Right-click on the workflow area and select Inputs > Script Filter
- Set a keyword like
- ✅ With space
- Argument Optional
- Set a keyword like
Now for the most important part. In the script area:
/usr/local/bin/deno --allow-all "path/to/your/alfred/config/from/above.ts" query $@
Save the Script filter then grab the little nub sticking out and drag it.
- Select Actions > Run Script
- /bin/bash
- with input as arv
Then in the script:
/usr/local/bin/deno --allow-all "path/to/your/alfred/config/from/above.ts" execute $@
At this point you should be able to open Alfred and use your Alfred items.
If you have issues, from the Alfred Workflow, select the bug in the top-right to see any log or error output.