Exodus - @ExodusMovement
- Nebraska
- exodus.com
- @jprichardson
electron-mocha Public
Run Mocha tests in Electron
node-fs-extra Public
Node.js: extra methods for the fs object like copy(), remove(), mkdirs()
node-jsonfile Public
Easily read/write JSON files.
node-klaw Public
A Node.js file system walker with a Readable stream interface. Extracted from fs-extra.
node-github-download Public
Easily download Github repos without dependencies such as Git, Tar, Unzip, etc.
node-kexec Public
Node.js exec function to replace running process; like Ruby's exec.
ip-location Public
Get an IP or hostname location geo coordinates.
tape-promise Public
Promise and async/await support for Tape
node-nextflow Public
A simple control-flow library for Node.js targetted towards CoffeeScript developers.
node-path-extra Public
Node.js: extra methods for the path object.
node-canada Public
Cities and provinces from Canada for JavaScript
npm-latest Public
Quickly find the latest version of a package in npm.
secure-random Public
A simple JavaScript component to normalize the creation of cryptographically strong random values.
is-electron-renderer Public
Check if code is running in Electron renderer process
buffer-json Public
JSON reviver/replacer methods for JavaScript Buffer type.
tape Public
Forked from tape-testing/tapetap-producing test harness for node and browsers
cross-zip-cli Public
Zip/Unzip directories cross platform from the CLI. Great for npm scripts.
atom-rename-tabs Public
Rename tabs titles with previous directory. Consistent with Sublime Text Editor behavior.
slips Public
Forked from satoshilabs/slipsSatoshiLabs Improvement Proposals
node-google Public
A Node.js module to search and scrape Google.
electron-window Public
Convenience methods for Electron windows.
vscode-docs Public
Forked from microsoft/vscode-docsPublic documentation for Visual Studio Code
node-suppose Public
Like UNIX Expect, but for Node.js.
node-scrap Public
A simple screen scraper module that uses jQuery style semantics.
sublime-js-snippets Public
Snippets for JavaScript / JS Programming in Sublime Text 2 & 3