All: add CSP exceptions for the wordpress admin
All: add CSP exceptions for the wordpress admin
Pull request merge
All: switch CSP headers from report-only to enforced
All: switch CSP headers from report-only to enforced
Pull request merge
All: add CSP exceptions for loading klavika font from typekit
All: add CSP exceptions for loading klavika font from typekit
Pull request merge
All: add CSP report only header for all blog sites
All: add CSP report only header for all blog sites
Pull request merge
All: upgrade main jQuery to 3.7.1
All: upgrade main jQuery to 3.7.1
Pull request merge
All: upgrade main jQuery to 3.7.0
All: upgrade main jQuery to 3.7.0
Pull request merge
Remove unused stuff and minor fixes (Stripe, Adzerk, Google)
Remove unused stuff and minor fixes (Stripe, Adzerk, Google)
Force push