symfony-docs Public
Forked from symfony/symfony-docsThe Symfony documentation
botta-vuetify Public
Recipe for using: Webstorm, Wallabyjs, Typescript, Webpack, Vue, Vuetify, TestCafe
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 14, 2018 -
tacit Public
Forked from yegor256/tacitCSS Framework for Dummies, Without Classes
CSS MIT License UpdatedNov 19, 2017 -
avoriaz Public
Forked from eddyerburgh/avoriaza Vue.js testing utility library 🔬
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 8, 2017 -
sinon-chai Public
Forked from chaijs/sinon-chaiExtends Chai with assertions for the Sinon.JS mocking framework.
CoffeeScript Other UpdatedMay 26, 2017 -
ts-loader Public
Forked from TypeStrong/ts-loaderTypeScript loader for webpack
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 19, 2017 -
JavaScript30 Public
Forked from wesbos/JavaScript3030 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
HTML UpdatedDec 9, 2016 -
grunt-cascade-deploy Public
a GruntJS plugin for deploying file to Cascade Server
plottable Public
Forked from palantir/plottableA library of modular chart components, built on D3
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 10, 2016 -
karma-jasmine-ajax Public
Forked from IDCubed/karma-jasmine-ajaxKarma adapter for Jasmine plugin for faking Ajax responses in your tests.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 11, 2015 -
connect-ssi Public
Forked from soenkekluth/connect-ssiSSI (Server Side Includes) Middleware for connect
JavaScript UpdatedApr 7, 2015 -
connect-include Public
Forked from zeevl/connect-includeA node connect middleware component to allow for SSI-style includes
UpdatedMar 31, 2015 -
dozer Public
Cascade tool for migrating pages and structured data blocks between different data definitions.
Grunt-Cascade-Examples Public
a set of examples and test code for accessing Cascade Server Web Services in NodeJS
courtlistener Public
Forked from freelawproject/courtlistenerA free and powerful system for awareness and research of the American judicial system.
TextStatistics.js Public
Forked from cgiffard/TextStatistics.jsGenerate information about text including syllable counts and Flesch-Kincaid, Gunning-Fog, Coleman-Liau, SMOG and Automated Readability scores.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 10, 2014 -
grunt-eslint Public
Forked from sindresorhus/grunt-eslintValidate files with ESLint
JavaScript UpdatedApr 11, 2014 -
dr-svg-sprites Public
Forked from drdk/dr-svg-spritesCreate SVG sprites with PNG fallbacks at needed sizes
JavaScript UpdatedApr 9, 2014 -
docstrap Public
Forked from docstrap/docstrapA template for JSDoc3 based on Bootstrap and themed by Bootswatch
CSS MIT License UpdatedMar 31, 2014 -
grunt-dr-svg-sprites Public
Forked from drdk/grunt-dr-svg-spritesGrunt plugin to create SVG sprites with PNG fallbacks at needed sizes
JavaScript UpdatedMar 3, 2014 -
plato Public
Forked from es-analysis/platoJavaScript source code visualization, static analysis, and complexity tool
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 26, 2014 -
grunt-build-lifecycle Public
Forked from wmluke/grunt-build-lifecycleFlexible build lifecycles for Grunt
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 3, 2014 -
update-notifier Public
Forked from sindresorhus/update-notifierUpdate notifier for your Node.js npm package
JavaScript UpdatedDec 17, 2013 -
cascade-access-tool Public
Rules engine for applying access changes to a Cascade Server site via web services