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549 lines (458 loc) · 25 KB

File metadata and controls

549 lines (458 loc) · 25 KB


  • compile using Java 6 source compat
  • update (bundled) rack to 1.6.13
  • avoid NativeException - not used on recent JRuby
  • avoid Fixnum warning - assume recent JRuby
  • Add error message to log when runtime error is handled (#213)

1.1.21 (17/09/17)

  • update (bundled) rack to 1.6.8
  • add Rack::Handler::Servlet::DefaultEnv#get_header (#212) missing methods to handle ActionController::Base#reset_session
  • can only safely stream natively on ActionDispatch <= 3.2 (#210) (broken Rails streaming for Rails 4.x)
  • when handling OPTION calls ignore both 'Date' and 'Allow' headers (#205)

1.1.20 (22/01/16)

  • pre-maturely avoid Ruby frozen string literals coming at us ... ''.dup meh!
  • allow to boot when RAILS_ROOT/public directory does not exist (closes #197)
  • for better booter detection - export public path after working dir was changed
  • ActionController::Base provides a method servlet_response to return the java.servlet_response rack env (#201)
  • adjust jruby home dir fallback (for default $LOAD_PATH) correctly on 9K and --2.0
  • servlet env should behave on fetch and [] like a Hash (nil value can be set)

1.1.19 (01/07/15)

  • update (bundled) rack to 1.5.5
  • servlet attrs with null/false values should not end up with an '' env value (#195)
  • tune ErrorApp + ShowStatus to respect set 'rack.showstatus.detail' (#194)
  • allow for more JRuby::Rack::ErrorApp customizations + retrieve cause when needed

1.1.18 (13/01/15)

  • back-port Rack::ShowStatus to be used with out ErrorApp (contains XSS fix #190)
  • search rackup ( on context-classloader if not found elsewhere
  • introduce a new ClassPathLayout where the whole app + gems are on CP (#191)
  • update to (vendored) rack ~> 1.5.2 (for JRuby-Rack 1.1.x)
  • use Rack::Utils.best_q_match in ErrorApp if available
  • improved rack-compatibility for our "pure" servlet-env request env parsing
    • raise a TypeError just like rack does when it detects invalid parameters
    • compatibility with rack's parse_nested_query logic

1.1.17 (30/12/14)

This release changes deployment from to for artifacts.

  • just keep the jruby-home when set by jruby to "uri:classsloader:..." JRuby 9k
  • support configuration of Response.swallow_client_abort? (#186)
  • better client EOF (socket abort "Broken pipe") detection in Response we're now "officially" handling Jetty and maybe a bunch of others
  • allow PATCH verb to be processed by the ruby application (#184)

1.1.16 (14/08/14)

  • deal with real_path (file-system) layout regression introduced in 1.1.15

Changes from 1.1.15 apply since the previous release got yanked due a regression.

1.1.15 (ya/nk/ed)

  • deal with potential getParameterMap "bugs" - null values e.g. on Jetty 6 (#154)
  • support filter init-param to configure whether response is handled "by default"
  • no header or status set (on response capture) - should report as handled works with Tomcat as before and serves static content with Jetty (#175)
  • make sure internal servlet attributes are retrieved on env[] (#173)
  • using our "servlet-specific" path methods in booter - we're avoiding File.exist? and expanding path specifically for the application layout this helps for a better boot in non-expanded .war scenarios
  • improve app layout dir resolution - e.g. FS public path should resolve relative
  • a work-around for WAS (8.5) failing on Dir.chdir while booting (#170)
  • consider response unhandled when OPTIONS with "Allow" header set (#153)
  • improved handling for jruby.compat.version (should work with jruby-head)
  • start using org.jruby.maven jruby plugins for mvn (relates to #108 as well) this allows us to work without a GEM_HOME/GEM_PATH (local ruby install)
  • use ruby-style methods for the servlet api (in our servlet_env handler)

1.1.14 (24/02/14)

  • re-invent the ErrorApp without Rack::File and with support for 503(.html)
  • when is set - make sure it's actually used (fixes #166)
  • review Railtie for setting relative_url_root - do not override if already set
  • support setting a "relative url root" even with plain rack applications for now needs to be explicitly configured with rack.relative_url_root_variable
  • honor the set config.log_formatter when setting up logger in Rails
  • when a header is added response should be considered handled (#153)
  • support for returning managed applications from rack factory decorators using RackApplicationFactoryDecorator.getManagedApplications
  • use .equals() rather than == since the level string is not always the same object instance as defined by the RackLogger interface
  • support (building) rake gem on RubyGems 2.0 (removed Gem::Builder)
  • rack 1.5.x support for 'our' servlet session store (with backwards-compat) (13/11/13)

  • restore compatibility with JRuby < 1.6.7 (02/04/13)

  • fix warning in Rack::Utils::Response#write_headers
  • bundle latest Rack 1.4 (1.4.5) (14/01/13)

  • fix missing explicit require 'jruby/rack/version' in 1.1.13

1.1.13 (13/01/13)

  • make sure (body) Java channel is always closed on Response#write_body
  • deal with capture backtrace incompatibility on JRuby 1.7 (#139)
  • bundle (latest) rack 1.4.2
  • make sure out custom (env) Hash sub-classes behave more Hash-y (#134)
  • support for setting a custom JRuby-Rack Response class (e.g. due send_file)
  • explicit support for sending file bodies with the possibility to re-define send_file per app-server
  • make sure we still maintain 2.3 compatibility (fix for #138)
  • fix send_file not being able to handle large > 2GB files (#133)
  • review chunked support - changed default behavior into patching Rack::Chunked the old behavior still works by setting jruby.rack.response.chunked = true
  • handle empty (null) strings when parsing (Ruby) magic comments e.g.
  • versioning review - make sure versions are always "valid" even for SNAPSHOTs

1.1.12 (28/11/12)

  • make (Default)Env to be the environment Hash instance itself since we need to handle custom lazy-bound keys but can not use a default proc (#132)
  • support the renew (and skip) session option with servlet store (#131)
  • improve ENV isolation with booted Ruby runtimes
    • jruby.rack.env replaces jruby.rack.ignore.env (now deprecated)
    • make sure RUBYOPT is ignored (with backwards compat)
    • jruby.rack.env.rubyopt for finer RUBYOPT behavior control
    • allow env value to be specified from config
  • solve the rackup "chicken - egg" problem with a plain Rack app
    • with a magic comment in # rack.version: ~>1.3.6
    • for bundle exec "emulation" use # rack.version: bundler
  • (temporarily) introduce RackEnvironment.ToIO to avoid instance vars on non-persistent Java types (JRuby 1.7 warning)
  • add a JRuby::Rack::Helpers module for helper functions
  • decorating factories (e.g. pooling factory) can now be distinguished
  • refactored / updated error handling :
    • move the decision about throwing the init error into the listener
    • unify exception handling across decorating app factories with support for configuring exception handling with the jruby.rack.error option
    • make sure init errors are thrown from pooling factory's init
    • added an ErrorApplication marker interface
    • dispatcher might now decide what status to return (or throw)
  • let the servlet container deal with null response header values
  • expose the rack context using JRuby::Rack.context= in embed scenario
  • rely less on booter and $servlet_context whenever possible
    • moved Booter#logger into JRuby::Rack.logger
    • boot! now 'exports' JRuby::Rack.app_path and public_path
    • changed $servlet_context refs to JRuby::Rack.context
  • maven + rake (joint) build review run mvn compile on rake compile instead of custom javac (+ updated jruby.version to 1.6.8)
  • removed LoggerConfigurationException used with Commons-Logging
  • fix invalid /tmp detected jruby home LOAD_PATH on 1.7.0
  • support setting compat version 2.0 (on JRuby 1.7.x)
  • application layout (JRuby::Rack::AppLayout) improvements :
    • introduce app.root context param (similar to rails.root)
    • RailsWebInfLayout is now the same as WebInfLayout
    • added (generic) FileSystemLayout (handles rails apps as well)
    • RailsFilesystemLayout is FileSystemLayout for compatibility
    • make sure paths are expanded when using a FS layout
    • moved change_working_directory code to happen within Booter
    • fix Booter failing to boot! when layout.gem_path nil (or empty)
  • Rails booter's RAILS_ENV should default to RACK_ENV if set
  • make sure original rack body gets always closed with optimized send_file might lead to side-effects such as not releasing database connections (#123)
  • some more useful Servlet API Ruby extensions ('attribute' managing objects such as ServletContext behave similar to Hash)

1.1.10 (04/09/12)

  • correctly dechunk data from response and handle flushing, finally Rails 3.1+ render stream: true support (#117)
  • initial compatibility with Rails master (getting torwards 4.0.0.beta) known issues: ActionController::Live seems to end up with a dead-lock
  • ServletEnv now parses cookies using HttpServletRequest.getCookies instead of leaving it off for Rack::Request

1.1.9 (19/08/12)

  • rack env regression fix when used with rack-cache, introduced in 1.1.8 (#116) request.env should work correctly when (duped and) frozen

1.1.8 (17/08/12)

  • introduced ServletEnv for cases when it's desirable to fully use the servlet environment to create the rack env (and not let Rack::Request parse params but rely on the parameters already parsed and available from the servlet request #110). this is an experimental feature that might change in the future and requires setting 'jruby.rack.handler.env' param to 'servlet' !
  • separated out Env (LazyEnv) into a separate file :
    • Env got refactored into DefaultEnv (with lazyness built-in)
    • LazyEnv got removed as it is not longer necessary
    • Rack::Handler::Servlet.env sets the used env conversion class
  • introduce a generic getNumberProperty on RackConfig
  • introduce a base RackException and add a custom AcquireTimeoutException for pool timeouts (related to jruby.runtime.acquire.timeout parameter)
  • RackInitializationException changed to unchecked as it inherits from RackException now
  • PoolingRackApplication (and related) polishing :
    • avoid creating a new application from getApplication when a permit is granted but pool is empty
    • support to wait till pool becomes ready by default otherwise wait until initial application objects are present in the pool before returning (controlled with the jruby.runtime.init.wait accepting true/false/integer)
    • edge case handling where (in case were set to not wait for initialization) we should wait for an initializer thread to put an application into the pool
    • allow acquire timeout (jruby.runtime.acquire.timeout param) to be specified as a decimal number for finer control and decreased the timeout default from 30s to 10s (although seems still too high for a default)
  • jruby runtime pooling for plain Rack applications (not just Rails)

1.1.7 (21/06/12)

  • support for delegating logs to java.util.logging (jruby.rack.logging: JUL)
  • extend RackLogger with levels for better logging with underlying log impl
  • consider 405 as an unhandled response from filter chain by default (#109)
  • make sure optimized file streaming gets used with rails send_file, this serves as a work-around for a --1.9 bug in jruby-1.6.7 with string encoding (#107)

1.1.6 (16/05/12)

  • consider 403 as an unhandled response from filter chain (along with 404) and allow configuring responseNotHandledStatuses via filter init parameter (#105)

1.1.5 (04/03/12)

  • bundler 1.1 workaround when ENV is cleared - set ENV['PATH'] = ''
  • resolve servlet context from request.getServletContext if posssible
  • resetUnhandledResponse init param for controlling chain response handling
  • filter specific context params deprecated in favor of filter init params
  • logging should not depend on $servlet_context global (better #88 fix)
  • cleanup request buffer /tmp files after input stream gets closed
  • add an embed Config to correctly setup RackConfig from ruby runtime
  • introduce RackConfig#getOut/getErr for possible 1/2 stream redirection
  • ensure ENV changes do not affect the native environment (#101)
  • change Rails.public_path early on (#99) and do not set PUBLIC_ROOT in 3.x
  • synchronize session operations with JavaServletStore (#95)
  • allow configuring request buffer initial/maximum size using parameters
  • initialization exception behavior in listener might be overriden (#16)

1.1.4 (02/21/12)

  • incorrectly interpreted byte in RewindableInputStream causing EOFs (#92)
  • fix JRuby::Rack::Response 1.9 incompatibility due String#each
  • ensure $servlet_context is not nil in embedded scenario (#88)
  • upgrade to Rack 1.4.1
  • fix resolving rackup on WLS 10.3 with Rails 3
  • explicit require rack + on rails allow bundler to decide rack version
  • config.logger fixes and support for ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging (#93)
  • revert regression in 1.1.3 with incorrect filter behavior (#84)

1.1.3 (01/10/12)

  • Additional fix for #73, #76 (Fix relative_url_root issue for good)
  • Stop using BufferedLogger (#80)

1.1.2 (12/30/11)

  • GH#18: Undefined method `call' for nil:NilClass
  • GH#44: JRuby-rack POST form-urlencoded doesn't work with Jetty
  • GH#71: stopped working
  • GH#73, GH#76: relative_url_root= called for rails > 3
  • GH#79: FileNotFoundException on WAS 8.0

1.1.1 (11/11/11)

  • Support for embedding a web server using a Rack::Handler Servlet/Filter
  • Use bundler/maven for project's dependency management
  • 1.9 $LOAD_PATH fix when jruby.home is set to /tmp
  • Fix / resource loading on AppEngine
  • Support for passing arguments to runtimes via jruby.runtime.arguments
  • JavaServletStore rewrite based upon Rack::Session::Abstract::ID
  • Upgrade to Rack 1.3.5

1.0.10 (08/24/11)

  • Bugfix release for Rails 3.1
  • Upgrade to Rack 1.3.2

1.0.9 (05/24/11)

  • Bugfix release for Trinidad 1.2.x
  • GH#27: Deal with incompatible signature change between JRuby 1.5.6 and 1.6.
  • Properly convert URLs to files for FILE binding when evaluating init.rb (Ketan Padegaonkar)

1.0.8 (03/21/11)

  • Add a check for / if not found in /WEB-INF (for appengine gem)
  • Modify LocalContext to support minimal LocalConfig for JMS (Garret Conaty)
  • JRUBY-5573: Add support for log4j
  • Process RUBYOPT variable if it's set
  • Change application factory to use ScriptingContainer API for creating runtimes
  • Upgrade to Rack 1.2.2
  • GH#21: Implement RackInput#size

1.0.7 (03/04/11)

  • JRUBY_RACK-36: Always set env['HTTPS'] according to request.getScheme
  • GH#10: Add jruby.rack.ignore.env property which clears out the ENV hash in each runtime to insulate the application from the environment.
  • GH#12: Another fix to suppress client abort exceptions
  • GH#14: Remove trailing slash from jruby.home
  • GH#15: Fix infinite redirect issue with Winstone
  • GH#17: FILE constant inside is not absolute

1.0.6 (01/20/11)

  • GH#4: Related to JRUBY-5281 and spaces in the path. Copy jruby.home fix here also. Fixes "no such file to load" LoadErrors for lots of cases.
  • NOTE: Next release will remove this code from JRuby-Rack completely, relying on JRuby to properly determine jruby.home.
  • GH#8: Allow DefaultRackApplicationFactory to use an existing, single runtime. (David Calavera)
  • GH#9: Support chunked Transfer-Encoding, allowing for early flush of the output (Alejandro Crosa)
  • Add some new options for handling the Rack body.
    • If the body object responds to #call, then the servlet output stream will be yielded to it.
    • If the body object responds to #to_channel, then JRuby-Rack will copy the channel to the output stream for you. The same happens if the body responds to #to_inputstream.
    • Otherwise, JRuby-Rack follows the standard Rack behavior of calling #each on the body and copying the contents to the output stream.
  • GH#7: JavaServletStore: Add missing #exists? and #destroy implementations
  • JRUBY_RACK-38: Don't needlessly raise errors because of client abort exceptions
  • GH#5: Experimental background spooling enabled by jruby.rack.background.spool context parameter
  • JRUBY_RACK-39: Proper routing of / => /index.html (if it exists). New config properties jruby.rack.filter.adds.html and jruby.rack.filter.verify.resource.exists to tweak this behavior.
  • Improved error and environment capture when something goes wrong, e.g., no such file to load errors. Now a status dump will be put in the server log. In the future, we may hook up a remote bug submission capture process.
  • Add env['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] to Rack environment.
  • Hack around Bundler bug #1033

1.0.5 (01/11/11)

  • GH#6: Add context-init parameter jruby.compat.version which can be set to either 1.8 or 1.9 to start JRuby in the corresponding Ruby version.
  • Changes to rackup evaluation to help debugging: Set rackup filename when executing, use a ; instead of \n when evaluating rackup code


  • Make sane defaults for app/gem/public paths when using RailsFilesystemLayout (Kristian Meier)
  • Add 'jruby.rack.slash.index' init param that forces / => /index.html. Fixes JRUBY_RACK-35 and makes Jetty 6 work without having to configure dirAllowed in Jetty's default servlet.
  • Switch to mostly relying on request URI and not so much servlet path/path info. Makes Tomcat 7 work.
  • Added rails.relative_url_append context parameter. This can be set in your web.xml or similar to append a string to the end of the context path when the RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT is set. This allows you to host your rails app in a location other than the base context path of your application. (Ben Rosenblum)
  • Don't use toURI, following changes in JRuby 1.5.6.


  • JRUBY-4892: Fix IO collapsing \r\n to \n on Windows
  • Fix setting of relative_url_root in Rails 3
  • Recognize META-INF/init.rb and WEB-INF/init.rb as init scripts.


  • Upgrade to Rack 1.2.1 (required for Rails 3 RC)
  • Retain any GEM_PATH that's set in the environment
  • Fixed XML Schema Location definition for jsptaglib for JBoss 6 (NAKAMURA Hiroshi)
  • JRUBY_RACK-33: Fix RackFilter to only append .html to path info if the resource exists (thanks Patrick Cheng)


  • 1.0.0 release had a packaging snafu. Too many releases in too short a timespan


  • Might as well go to 1.0. We've been used in production code for a while now.
  • Turns out the LoadError path dumping is pretty annoying. Rearrange the code and have it only activated by 'jruby.rack.debug.load'.


  • 0.9.8 broke Rubygem's custom require


  • Look for in either WEB-INF/ or WEB-INF/*/ and use it for racking up the application. 'rackup' context parameter is still supported for embedding in web.xml too.
  • JRUBY_RACK-21: Add logging adapter classes for commons-logging and slf4j. If you use either of these logging frameworks in your app, simply set 'jruby.rack.logging' to 'clogging' or 'slf4j' in either web.xml as a context parameter or as a system property to pipe Ruby logs through those frameworks (h/t jcantrill).
  • Fix bug with RackRewindableInput#read(N) -- should return nil when finished
  • Fix Rails 3 logger configuration
  • Only load vendor/rack if Rack is not already loaded


  • Rails 3 support
  • Fix "overrides final method getRuntime" error due to 1.5 Java class generation changes
  • Upgrade to Rack 1.1.0
  • Upgrade to servlet 2.5 and jsp 2.1
  • Fix SCRIPT_NAME/PATH_INFO overlap issue with context paths (seen on GAE and elsewhere)
  • JRUBY_RACK-8: adjust LOAD_PATH if jruby_home detection failed in the current environment
  • JRUBY_RACK-23: JavaServletStore needs to be required before it can be set as the session store
  • JRUBY_RACK-26: Rack crashes on multipart/form-data bodies submitted with curl (or other headless client)
  • JRUBY_RACK-27: Rails.public_path has a trailing /
  • JRUBY_RACK-29: Incorrectly Bundling jruby-rack-0.0.7.SNAPSHOT.jar
  • JRUBY_RACK-19: Add a jruby-rack gem for finding the jar file
  • JRUBY_RACK-24: Support non-war deployment of Rails apps


  • JRUBY_RACK-22: Ensure we call #close on the body per the Rack spec.
  • Set true when creating a runtime. JRuby 1.5 will default this flag to false, but you probably still want JMX capability inside an appserver.
  • Miscellaneous spec cleanup due to changes in JRuby 1.5


  • Upgrade to Rack 1.0.0. However, if you supply Rack in your application (either via rubygems or by vendoring it), it will take precedence -- JRuby-Rack's bundled copy is only loaded as a fallback. This allows you to upgrade Rack without having to wait for a new JRuby-Rack release.
  • Implement Rack-based java servlet session mechanism. You'll have to turn on java servlet sessions by setting ActionController::Base.session_store = :java_servlet_store in your config/initializers/session_store.rb.
  • JRUBY_RACK-7: Implement a rewindable 'rack.input' shim between the servlet input stream and the Rack environment. Below a certain byte-size threshold, the input is entirely buffered in memory. Above the threshold, the input is written to a tempfile. The default threshold is 64k, and can be controlled by the system property 'jruby.rack.request.size.threshold.bytes'.
  • The previous non-rewindable input behavior can be re-instated by setting the system property 'jruby.rack.input.rewindable' to false. Despite being out of spec, environments such as Google AppEngine require this behavior because writing to a tempfile is not possible.
  • JRUBY_RACK-4: deal with threading and to_io by assigning IO object to an instance variable instead of defining a singleton method on the metaclass/singleton class
  • JRUBY_RACK-17: Fix SCRIPT_NAME/PATH_INFO in root context (Chris Read)
  • JRUBY_RACK-10, JRUBY_RACK-15: Fix request channel read issue w/ POSTs and multiparts (Michael Pitman, Lenny Marks)
  • JRUBY_RACK-14: Override both Servlet service methods (Michael Pitman)


  • PLEASE NOTE: Prior to 0.9.4, jruby-rack would try to use the java servlet session store by default. This caused more confusion than it's worth; so the default Rails cookie session store has been reinstated for this release.
  • Upgrade bundled Rack version to 0.9.1
  • Introduce RackLogger, defaults to log to servlet context but can be made to point to stdout by setting -Djruby.rack.logging=stdout (for Google AppEngine)
  • Detect Rails 2.3 rack machinery and dispatch to it rather than the legacy CGI shim.
  • TODO: Still missing a java servlet Rack::Session adapter for Rails 2.3. Should have it for next release.
  • Update example Rails application to Rails 2.3.2, include bits for deployment to Google AppEngine using Warbler.
  • RackApplication-related core Java classes have been insulated from the servlet API, so that (parts of) JRuby-Rack can be used outside of a servlet container. If your application or library is coupled to these classes, you'll likely be broken with this release. See Nick for details.
  • Fix TLD to be more compatible (Fred McHale).
  • Switched main code repository to still available as a mirror and for forking.
  • EXPERIMENTAL: Beginnings of a JMS API (more details to come)
  • REMOVAL: All the goldspike compatibility bits have been removed. You should upgrade your application to use a web.xml similar to what comes with Warbler.


  • Merb updates for 1.0 compatibility
  • Patch race condition in runtime pooling that allowed more than max number of runtimes
  • Fix bug with backref interpretation and windows paths
  • JRUBY-2908: Add fallback for when servletContext.getRealPath doesn't work (Joern Hartmann)
  • Add extra prevention to ensure that IO descriptor keys do not leak in the runtime's cache of descriptors (see also JRUBY-3185)
  • Switched to dual rake/maven build process
  • Switched main code repository to github (for now)


  • Upgrade to Rack 0.4.0
  • Only chdir at startup when the /WEB-INF directory exists (fix for jetty-rails)
  • Fix typos in rails tag tld
  • Add getRuntime to RackApplication for use by non-web embedded applications
  • Use a shared application factory for Rails if max runtimes ## 1 (to support multi-threaded Rails)
  • Change from jruby.initial.runtimes to jruby.min.runtimes to be consistent w/ Warbler


  • Change each runtime's notion of current directory to /WEB-INF, so you can do loads and requires relative to WEB-INF
  • JRUBY-2507: Update Rails boot override to not pre-load action_controller
  • Don't assume or set cache_template_loading to true, rely on Rails to do it for us
  • Set ENV['HTTPS'] = 'on' for Rails depending on servlet request scheme (Lenny Marks)
  • Fix request URI -- must include query string
  • Updated to be built and tested against JRuby 1.1.3
  • Ensure that gem environment is set up for plain rack apps too
  • JRUBY-2594: Fix URI-escaping issue (e.g., when spaces are in the path)
  • Make use of 'Rails.public_path' in Rails 2.1
  • JRUBY-2620: Fix issue with non-string headers
  • Support integer and date headers directly
  • Examples: Rails updated to 2.1, Camping and Sinatra examples added/working


  • First public release.