First check your python version. You should at least have Python 3.8
python --version
Create a virtual environment for local setup.
python -m venv {Environment Name}
OPTIONAL (If you intend on editing this code base, complete this step): Add the name of your local environment to ".gitignore"
echo '{Environment Name}' > .gitignore
Start your local environment: Windows
{Environment Name}\Scripts\Activate
Start your local environment: Mac
source {Environment Name}/bin/activate
Install Required Python Modules
pip install -r requirements.txt
Change directory to ./music/
cd music
Run Migrations
python migrate
Check if you can run the Django server (at same directory level as migrations)
python runserver
OPTIONAL: Create a superuser to access the REST framework
python createsuperuser
To start the frontend React app (in a seperate terminal window while the backend is still running)
cd ./music/frontend
npm install (or, depending on your version of node, 'npm install --legacy-peer-deps')
npm start server