Tags: json-schema-org/json-schema-spec
Merge pull request #1247 from json-schema-org/changing-property-key-n… …ames-in-output-format Changing property key names in output format
Fix organization tag location
Update draft identifiers for 2020-12 patch release
Add or remove defaults as appropriate including where redundant (#1006) - Remove `default` from all subschemas that recursively-reference #meta - Add `default to `dependencies` Remove, e.g. when evaluating the "not" keyword, the subschema inside it should *not* be true, as that would produce a false result from this keyword.
Merge pull request #801 from handrews/ref-results Clarify the results of $ref and $recursiveRef
Merge pull request #801 from handrews/ref-results Clarify the results of $ref and $recursiveRef
Merge pull request #801 from handrews/ref-results Clarify the results of $ref and $recursiveRef