v8-to-istanbul Public
Forked from istanbuljs/v8-to-istanbulconvert from v8 coverage format to istanbul's format (Forked to exclude comments)
JavaScript ISC License UpdatedAug 15, 2024 -
babel-plugin-rewire-ts Public
Forked from rosswarren/babel-plugin-rewire-tsFork of babel-plugin-rewire with TypeScript compatibility
JavaScript UpdatedJan 3, 2024 -
typing_trainer Public
Learn to touch type from your command line!
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 25, 2019 -
c3-vscode-syntax-highlighter Public
Port of https://github.com/shawnzhesun/c3-atom-syntax-highlighter.git
UpdatedSep 26, 2018 -
scalable-frontend-with-elm-or-redux Public
Forked from slorber/scalable-frontend-with-elm-or-reduxAn attempt to make Redux and Elm applications scale
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 25, 2016 -
cobertura_xml_merger Public
Merge multiple XML Simplecov cobertura reports
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 7, 2016 -
InternetButton-Jenkins Public
Jenkins status light with Particle Photon InternetButton
Arduino MIT License UpdatedOct 4, 2016 -
rubocop Public
Forked from rubocop/rubocopA Ruby static code analyzer, based on the community Ruby style guide.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 4, 2016 -
rails-i18n Public
Forked from svenfuchs/rails-i18nRepository for collecting Locale data for Ruby on Rails I18n as well as other interesting, Rails related I18n stuff
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 28, 2016 -
invoker Public
Forked from codemancers/invokerAn awesome utility to manage all your processes in development environment
guard-jasmine Public
Forked from guard/guard-jasmineThe Swiss Army knife for automated Jasmine specs in your console.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 15, 2016 -
InternetButton Public
Forked from particle-iot/InternetButtonLibrary for the Internet Button shield
compass-rails Public
Forked from Compass/compass-railsFork with sprockets 3.2 compatibility
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 8, 2015 -
stellar Public
Forked from fastmonkeys/stellarFork with support for different owners per table
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 21, 2014 -
highcharts.com Public
Forked from highcharts/highchartsHighcharts JS, the JavaScript charting framework
lucecita Public
MacRuby example app for highlighting zones of the screen in presentations or screencasts.
poltergeist Public
Forked from teampoltergeist/poltergeistFork with support for multiple windows
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 4, 2013 -
oh-my-zsh Public
Forked from ohmyzsh/ohmyzshA community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration.
nitron_data Public
Forked from colinyoung/spryCoreData RubyMotion wrapper extracted from nitron
jaguar Public
Application and Libraries for dynamic and interactive teaching in the Computer Theory area
web_automata Public
Javascript library to create animated automata examples
JavaScript UpdatedOct 15, 2012 -
faraday_middleware Public
Forked from lostisland/faraday_middlewareVarious Faraday middlewares for Faraday-based API wrappers
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 22, 2012