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A cli tool for querying

The tool outputs the bugzilla query url, and if xdg-open is available will try to open the url (unless --dryrun is given).

rhbzquery is distributed under the GPL license version 2 or later.

Usage examples

rhbzquery f41 xyz : Fedora 41 bugs for package xyz

rhbzquery closed rawhide xyz : closed rawhide bugs for package xyz

rhbzquery --mine : your open bugs (gets userid from ~/.bugzillarc)

rhbzquery rhel9.4 bash : RHEL 9.4 bash bugs

rhbzquery "Package Review" reporter_realname="Your Name" : open package reviews you reported

rhbzquery --mine all flag~fedora-review+ : all open and closed approved reviews you reviewed

rhbzquery component~bugzilla summary~bugzilla : open bugs with component and summary containing "bugzilla"

rhbzquery component~python summary~something : open bugs with component including "python" and summary containing "something"

rhbzquery --file f40 xyz : file a bug against the xyz package in F40

rhbzquery --query rhel8 ...: open an advanced bugzilla search for RHEL 8

rhbzquery xyz '<modified': xyz bugs not yet in MODIFIED or ON_QA, etc.


Help describes the arguments: $ rhbzquery --help

Bugzilla query tool

Usage: rhbzquery [--version] [-n|--dryrun] [-m|--mine] [-s|--server SERVER]
                 [(-l|--list-fields) | (-o|--list-operators) | (-f|--file) |
                   (-q|--query) | (-r|--reverse) | (-w|--api)]

  Tool for generating bugzilla queries

  STATUS = {new,assigned,post,modified,on_qa,verified,release_pending,closed,
            all (open and closed),'<STATE','>STATE'}
  PRODUCTVERSION = {rawhide,fedora,fXY,epel,epelX,rhel8,rhel7,rhelX.Z}
  op = search operator (eg '~' for substring: "summary~akeyword")

  See for examples

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  --version                Show version
  -n,--dryrun              Do not open url
  -m,--mine                My bugs
  -s,--server SERVER       Bugzilla server [default:]
  -l,--list-fields         List query FIELDs
  -o,--list-operators      List op search operator types
  -f,--file                File a bug
  -q,--query               Open advanced query page
  -r,--reverse             Convert url query to args
  -w,--api                 Web API query

rhbzquery --list-fields lists the many fields (not all well supported yet, eg timestamps)

$ rhbzquery --list-operators

         '=' : equals (is equal to)
        '!=' : notequals (is not equal to)
         '~' : substring (contains the string)
        '!~' : notsubstring (does not contain the string)
        '=~' : regexp (matches regular expression)
       '!=~' : notregexp (does not match regular expression)
    '~case~' : casesubstring (contains the string (exact case))
     '~any~' : anywordssubstr (contains any of the strings)
     '~all~' : allwordssubstr (contains all of the strings)
      '~no~' : nowordssubstr (contains none of the strings)
'~anyexact=' : anyexact (is equal to any of the strings)
'~anywords~' : anywords (contains any of the words)
'~allwords~' : allwords (contains all of the words)
 '~nowords~' : nowords (contains none of the words)
   '~empty~' : isempty (is empty)
'~notempty~' : isnotempty (is not empty)
    '~noop~' : noop (ignore (comment out query field))

content~ uses matches
content!~ uses notmatches

lists the search operator types


Run stack install or cabal install.

Binary packages for Fedora are available from

Requests and feedback

Feature requests, bug reports and contributions are welcome.

Please open an issue at


Red Hat Bugzilla cli query url tool





