This package implements intelligent helm fuzzy sorting, provided by flx
You can install the package by either cloning it yourself, or by doing M-x package-install
RET helm-flx
After that, you can enable it by putting the following in your init file:
;; For best results, load this before you load helm.
(helm-flx-mode +1)
Crazy stuff simmers in my emacs-config
, and every once and a while, it's worth sharing. This was no exception. It's been patiently evolving in my config for the better part of a year, and I think it's useful enough to benefit other people.
Note that flx
's author @lewang did start work on his own port of helm-flx
, but it appears to have been abandoned. (Left unfinished without modification for nine months.) If, at any time, lewang can find time to contribute again, I would be glad.
Push to MELPA is in progress!!!