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Try out hyperswitch on your system

The simplest way to run hyperswitch locally is with Docker Compose by pulling the latest images from Docker Hub. However, if you're willing to modify the code and run it, or are a developer contributing to hyperswitch, then you can either set up a development environment using Docker Compose, or set up a Rust environment on your system.

Check the Table Of Contents to jump to the relevant section.

Table Of Contents:

Run hyperswitch using Docker Compose

  1. Install Docker Compose.

  2. Clone the repository and switch to the project directory:

    git clone --depth 1 --branch latest
    cd hyperswitch
  3. (Optional) Configure the application using the config/docker_compose.toml file. The provided configuration should work as is. If you do update the docker_compose.toml file, ensure to also update the corresponding values in the docker-compose.yml file.

  4. Start all the services using Docker Compose:

    docker compose up -d

    This should run the hyperswitch app server, web client and control center. Wait for the migration_runner container to finish installing diesel_cli and running migrations (approximately 2 minutes), and for the hyperswitch-web container to finish compiling before proceeding further. You can also choose to run the scheduler and monitoring services in addition to the app server, web client and control center.

  5. Verify that the server is up and running by hitting the health endpoint:

    curl --head --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/health'

    If the command returned a 200 OK status code, proceed with trying out our APIs.

Running additional services

The default behaviour for docker compose only runs the following services:

  1. postgres
  2. redis (standalone)
  3. hyperswitch server
  4. hyperswitch control center
  5. hyperswitch web sdk

You can run the scheduler, data and monitoring services by specifying suitable profile names to the above Docker Compose command. To understand more about the hyperswitch architecture and the components involved, check out the architecture document.

  • To run the scheduler components (consumer and producer), you can specify --profile scheduler:

    docker compose --profile scheduler up -d
  • To run the monitoring services (Grafana, Promtail, Loki, Prometheus and Tempo), you can specify --profile monitoring:

    docker compose --profile monitoring up -d

    You can then access Grafana at http://localhost:3000 and view application logs using the "Explore" tab, select Loki as the data source, and select the container to query logs from.

  • To run the data services (Clickhouse, Kafka and Opensearch) you can specify the olap profile

    docker compose --profile olap up -d

    You can read more about using the data services here

  • You can also specify multiple profile names by specifying the --profile flag multiple times. To run both the scheduler components and monitoring services, the Docker Compose command would be:

    docker compose --profile scheduler --profile monitoring up -d

Once the services have been confirmed to be up and running, you can proceed with trying out our APIs

Set up a development environment using Docker Compose

  1. Install Docker Compose.

  2. Clone the repository and switch to the project directory:

    git clone
    cd hyperswitch
  3. (Optional) Configure the application using the config/docker_compose.toml file. The provided configuration should work as is. If you do update the docker_compose.toml file, ensure to also update the corresponding values in the docker-compose.yml file.

  4. Start all the services using Docker Compose:

    docker compose --file docker-compose-development.yml up -d

    This will compile the payments router, the primary component within hyperswitch and then start it. Depending on the specifications of your machine, compilation can take around 15 minutes.

  5. (Optional) You can also choose to start the scheduler and/or monitoring services in addition to the payments router.

  6. Verify that the server is up and running by hitting the health endpoint:

    curl --head --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/health'

    If the command returned a 200 OK status code, proceed with trying out our APIs.

Set up a Nix development environment

A Nix development environment simplifies the setup of required project dependencies. This is available for MacOS, Linux and WSL2 users.

Install nix

We recommend that you install Nix using the DetSys nix-installer, which automatically enables flakes.

As an optional next step, if you are interested in using Nix to manage your dotfiles and local packages, you can setup nixos-unified-template.

Using external services through Nix

Once Nix is installed, you can use it to manage external services via flakes. More services will be added soon.

  • Run below command in hyperswitch directory

    nix run .#ext-services

This will start the following services using process-compose

  • PostgreSQL
    • Creates database and an user to be used by the application
  • Redis

Develop in a Nix environment (coming soon)

Nix development environment ensures all the required project dependencies, including both the tools and services are readily available, eliminating the need for manual setup.

Run below command in hyperswitch directory

nix develop

NOTE: This is a work in progress, and only a selected commands are available at the moment. Look in flake.nix (hyperswitch-shell) for a full list of packages.

Set up a Rust environment and other dependencies

If you are using nix, please skip the setup dependencies step and jump to Set up the database.

Set up dependencies on Ubuntu-based systems

This section of the guide provides instructions to install dependencies on Ubuntu-based systems. If you're running another Linux distribution, install the corresponding packages for your distribution and follow along.

  1. Install the stable Rust toolchain using rustup:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

    When prompted, proceed with the default profile, which installs the stable toolchain.

    Optionally, verify that the Rust compiler and cargo are successfully installed:

    rustc --version

    Be careful when running shell scripts downloaded from the Internet. We only suggest running this script as there seems to be no rustup package available in the Ubuntu package repository.

  2. Install PostgreSQL and start the postgresql systemd service:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev
    systemctl start postgresql.service

    If you're running any other distribution than Ubuntu, you can follow the installation instructions on the PostgreSQL documentation website to set up PostgreSQL on your system.

  3. Install Redis and start the redis systemd service:

    sudo apt install redis-server
    systemctl start redis.service

    If you're running a distribution other than Ubuntu, you can follow the installation instructions on the Redis website to set up Redis on your system.

  4. Install diesel_cli using cargo:

    cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
  5. Make sure your system has the pkg-config package and OpenSSL installed

    sudo apt install pkg-config libssl-dev

Once you're done with setting up the dependencies, proceed with setting up the database.

Set up dependencies on Windows (Ubuntu on WSL2)

This section of the guide provides instructions to install dependencies on Ubuntu on WSL2. If you prefer running another Linux distribution, install the corresponding packages for your distribution and follow along.

  1. Install Ubuntu on WSL:

    wsl --install -d Ubuntu

    Refer to the official installation docs for more information. Launch the WSL instance and set up your username and password. The following steps assume that you are running the commands within the WSL shell environment.

    Note that a SIGKILL error may occur when compiling certain crates if WSL is unable to use sufficient memory. It may be necessary to allow up to 24GB of memory, but your mileage may vary. You may increase the amount of memory WSL can use via a .wslconfig file in your Windows user folder, or by creating a swap file in WSL itself. Refer to the WSL configuration documentation for more information.

  2. Install the stable Rust toolchain using rustup:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

    When prompted, proceed with the default profile, which installs the stable toolchain.

    Optionally, verify that the Rust compiler and cargo are successfully installed:

    rustc --version

    Be careful when running shell scripts downloaded from the Internet. We only suggest running this script as there seems to be no rustup package available in the Ubuntu package repository.

  3. Install PostgreSQL and start the postgresql service:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev
    sudo service postgresql start

    For more information, refer to the docs for installing PostgreSQL on WSL. If you're running any other distribution than Ubuntu, you can follow the installation instructions on the PostgreSQL documentation website to set up PostgreSQL on your system.

  4. Install Redis and start the redis-server service:

    sudo apt install redis-server
    sudo service redis-server start

    For more information, refer to the docs for installing Redis on WSL. If you're running a distribution other than Ubuntu, you can follow the installation instructions on the Redis website to set up Redis on your system.

  5. Make sure your system has the packages necessary for compiling Rust code:

    sudo apt install build-essential
  6. Install diesel_cli using cargo:

    cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
  7. Make sure your system has the pkg-config package and OpenSSL installed:

    sudo apt install pkg-config libssl-dev

Once you're done with setting up the dependencies, proceed with setting up the database.

Set up dependencies on Windows

We'll be using winget in this section of the guide, where possible. You can opt to use your favorite package manager instead.

  1. Install PostgreSQL database, following the official installation docs.

  2. Install Redis, following the official installation docs.

  3. Install rust with winget:

    winget install -e --id Rustlang.Rust.GNU
  4. Install diesel_cli using cargo:

    cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
  5. Install OpenSSL with winget:

    winget install openssl

Once you're done with setting up the dependencies, proceed with setting up the database.

Set up dependencies on MacOS

We'll be using Homebrew in this section of the guide. You can opt to use your favorite package manager instead.

  1. Install the stable Rust toolchain using rustup:

    brew install rustup
    rustup default stable

    Optionally, verify that the Rust compiler and cargo are successfully installed:

    rustc --version
  2. Install PostgreSQL and start the postgresql service:

    brew install postgresql@14
    brew services start postgresql@14

    If a postgres database user was not already created, you may have to create one:

    createuser -s postgres
  3. Install Redis and start the redis service:

    brew install redis
    brew services start redis
  4. Install diesel_cli using cargo:

    cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres

    If linking diesel_cli fails due to missing libpq (if the error message is along the lines of cannot find -lpq), you may also have to install libpq and reinstall diesel_cli:

    brew install libpq
    export PQ_LIB_DIR="$(brew --prefix libpq)/lib"
    cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres

    You may also choose to persist the value of PQ_LIB_DIR in your shell startup file like so:

    echo 'PQ_LIB_DIR="$(brew --prefix libpq)/lib"' >> ~/.zshrc
  5. Install a command runner called just:

    In order to make running migrations easier, you can use a command runner called just

    cargo install just

Once you're done with setting up the dependencies, proceed with setting up the database.

Set up the database

  1. Create the database and database users, modifying the database user credentials and database name as required.

    export DB_USER="db_user"
    export DB_PASS="db_pass"
    export DB_NAME="hyperswitch_db"

    On Ubuntu-based systems (also applicable for Ubuntu on WSL2):

    sudo -u postgres psql -e -c \
    sudo -u postgres psql -e -c \

    On MacOS:

    psql -e -U postgres -c \
    psql -e -U postgres -c \
  2. Clone the repository and switch to the project directory:

    git clone
    cd hyperswitch
  3. Run database migrations:

    Export the DATABASE_URL env variable

    export DATABASE_URL=postgres://$DB_USER:$DB_PASS@localhost:5432/$DB_NAME

    Run the migrations

    • If you have just installed
    just migrate
    • Using the diesel-cli command
    diesel migration run

Once you're done with setting up the database, proceed with configuring the application.

Configure the application

The application configuration files are present under the config directory.

The configuration file read varies with the environment:

Refer to config.example.toml for all the available configuration options. Refer to development.toml for the recommended defaults for local development.

Ensure to update the development.toml file if you opted to use different database credentials as compared to the sample ones included in this guide.

Once you're done with configuring the application, proceed with running the application.

Run the application

  1. Compile and run the application using cargo:

    cargo run

    If you are using nix, you can compile and run the application using nix:

    nix run
  2. Verify that the server is up and running by hitting the health endpoint:

    curl --head --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/health'

    If the command returned a 200 OK status code, proceed with trying out our APIs.

Try out our APIs

Set up your merchant account

  1. Sign up or sign in to Postman.

  2. Open our Postman collection and switch to the "Variables" tab. Update the value under the "current value" column for the baseUrl variable to have the hostname and port of the locally running server (http://localhost:8080 by default).

  3. While on the "Variables" tab, add the admin API key you configured in the application configuration under the "current value" column for the admin_api_key variable.

    1. If you're running Docker Compose, you can find the configuration file at config/docker_compose.toml, search for admin_api_key to find the admin API key.
    2. If you set up the dependencies locally, you can find the configuration file at config/development.toml, search for admin_api_key to find the admin API key
  4. Open the "Quick Start" folder in the collection.

  5. Open the "Merchant Account - Create" request, switch to the "Body" tab and update any request parameters as required.

    • If you want to use a different connector for making payments with than the provided default, update the data field present in the routing_algorithm field to your liking.

    Click on the "Send" button to create a merchant account (You may need to "create a fork" to fork this collection to your own workspace to send a request). You should obtain a response containing most of the data included in the request, along with some additional fields. Store the merchant ID and publishable key returned in the response.

Create an API key

  1. Open the "API Key - Create" request, switch to the "Body" tab and update any request parameters as required. Click on the "Send" button to create an API key. You should obtain a response containing the data included in the request, along with the plaintext API key. Store the API key returned in the response securely.

Set up a payment connector account

  1. Sign up on the payment connector's (say Stripe, Adyen, etc.) dashboard and store your connector API key (and any other necessary secrets) securely.

  2. Open the "Payment Connector - Create" request, switch to the "Body" tab and update any request parameters as required.

    • Pay special attention to the connector_name and connector_account_details fields and update them. You can find connector-specific details to be included in this spreadsheet.
    • Open the "Variables" tab in the Postman collection and set the connector_api_key variable to your connector's API key.

    Click on the "Send" button to create a payment connector account. You should obtain a response containing most of the data included in the request, along with some additional fields.

  3. Follow the above steps if you'd like to add more payment connector accounts.

Create a Payment

Ensure that you have set up your merchant account and set up at least one payment connector account before trying to create a payment.

  1. Open the "Payments - Create" request, switch to the "Body" tab and update any request parameters as required. Click on the "Send" button to create a payment. If all goes well and you had provided the correct connector credentials, the payment should be created successfully. You should see the status field of the response body having a value of succeeded in this case.

    • If the status of the payment created was requires_confirmation, set confirm to true in the request body and send the request again.
  2. Open the "Payments - Retrieve" request and click on the "Send" button (without modifying anything). This should return the payment object for the payment created in Step 2.

Create a Refund

  1. Open the "Refunds - Create" request in the "Quick Start" folder folder and switch to the "Body" tab. Update the amount to be refunded, if required, and click on the "Send" button. This should create a refund against the last payment made for the specified amount. Check the status field of the response body to verify that the refund hasn't failed.
  2. Open the "Refunds - Retrieve" request and switch to the "Params" tab. Set the id path variable in the "Path Variables" table to the refund_id value returned in the response during the previous step. This should return the refund object for the refund created in the previous step.

That's it! Hope you got a hang of our APIs. To explore more of our APIs, please check the remaining folders in the Postman collection.