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Sample Go app repo with test and release pipelines optimized for software supply chain security (S3C). Includes Terraform setup for Artifact Registry and KMS on GCP with OpenID Connect (OIDC), so no need for service account keys or GitHub secrets.

What's in the included workflow pipelines:

  • on-push - PR qualification
    • Static code vulnerability scan using trivy
    • Repo security alerts based on sarif reports CodeQL scans
  • on-tag Release (container image build)
    • Image build/push using ko (includes SBOM generation)
    • Image vulnerability scan using trivy with max severity checks parameter
    • Image signing using KMS key and attestation using cosign
    • SLSA provenance generation using slsa-github-generator
    • SLSA provenance verification using cosign based on CUE policy
  • on-schedule - Repo hygiene
    • Semantic code analysis using CodeQL (every 4 hours)

Repo Usage

Use this template to create a new repo (click the green button and follow the wizard)

When done, clone your new repo locally, and navigate into it


Initialize your new repo. This will update all the references to your newly clone GitHub repository and initialize the Terraform setup.

terraform -chdir=./setup init

Apply the Terraform configuration to create GCP resources (KMS ring/key, Artifact Registry repo, Workload Identity Pool and the Service Account).

terraform -chdir=./setup apply

When promoted, provide:

  • project_id - GCP project ID
  • location - GCP region (e.g. us-west1)
  • git_repo - The qualified name of your repo (e.g. username/repo)
  • name - Your application name (e.g. the repo portion from git_repo)

When completed, Terraform will output the configuration values.

Update env portion of the conf job in .github/workflows/on-tag.yaml file to the values output by Terraform:


When completed, commit and push the updates to your repository:

git add --all
git commit -m 'repo init'
git push --all

The above push will trigger the on-push flow. You can navigate to the /actions in your repo to see the status of that pipeline.

Trigger release pipeline

The canonical version of the entire repo is stored in .version file. Feel free to edit it (by default: v0.0.1). When done, trigger the release pipeline:

If you did edit the version, make sure to commit and push that change to the repo first. You can also use make tag to automate the entire process.

export VERSION=$(cat .version)
git tag -s -m "initial release" $VERSION
git push origin $VERSION

Monitor the pipeline

Navigate to /actions in your repo to see the status of that release pipeline. Wait until all steps (aka jobs) have completed (green).

If any steps fail, click on them to see the cause. Fix it, commit/push changes to the repo, and tag a new release to re-trigger the pipeline again.

Review produced image

When successfully completed, that pipeline will create an image. Navigate to the Artifact Registry to confirm the image was created.$PROJECT_ID/$REGION

The image is the line item tagged with version (e.g. v0.4.0). The other two OCI artifacts named with the image digest in the registry are signature (.sig) and attestation (.att).

Provenance Verification

Whenever you tag a release in the repo and an image is push to the registry, that image has an "attached" attestation in a form of SLSA provenance (v0.2). This allows you to trace that image all the way to its source in the repo (including the GitHub Actions that were used to generate it). That ability for verifiable traceability is called provenance.


To verify the provenance of an image that was generated by the on-tag pipeline manually:

COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL=1 cosign verify-attestation \
   --type slsaprovenance \
   --policy policy/provenance.cue \

The COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL environment variable is necessary to verify the image with the transparency log

The terminal output will include the checks that were executed as part of the validation, as well as information about the subject (URI of the tag ref that triggered that workflow), with its SHA, name, and Ref.

The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
  - The cosign claims were validated
  - Existence of the claims in the transparency log was verified offline
  - Any certificates were verified against the Fulcio roots.

The output will also include JSON, which looks something like this (payload abbreviated):

   "payloadType": "application/",
   "payload": "eyJfdHl...V19fQ==",
   "signatures": [
         "keyid": "",
         "sig": "MEUCIQCl+9dSv9f9wqHTF9D6L1bizNJbrZwYz0oDtjQ1wiqmLwIgE1T1LpwVd5+lOnalkYzNftTup//6H9i6wKDoCNNhpeo="

The payload field (abbreviated) is the base64 encoded in-toto statement containing the predicate containing the GitHub Actions provenance:

    "_type": "",
    "predicateType": "",
    "subject": [
            "name": "",
            "digest": {
                "sha256": "22080f8082e60e7f3ab745818e59c6f513464de23b53bbd28dc83c4936c27cbc"
    "predicate": {...}

In Cluster

You can also verify the provenance of an image in your Kubernetes cluster.

This assumes you already configured the sigstore admission controller in your Kubernetes cluster. If not, you can use the provided tools/demo-cluster script to create a cluster and configure sigstore policy-controller.

First, review the policy/cluster.yaml file, and make sure the glob pattern matches your Artifact Registry (** will match any character). You can make this as specific as you want (e.g. any image in the project in specific region)

- glob:**

Next, check the subject portion of the issuer identity (in this case, the SLSA workflow with the repo tag)

- issuer:
subjectRegExp: "^[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+$"

Finally, the policy data that checks for predicateType on the image should include the content of the same policy (policy/provenance.cue) we've used during the SLSA verification using image release and in the above manual verification process.

   type: cue
   data: |
     predicateType: ""

Make sure the content is indented correctly

When finished, apply the policy into the cluster:

kubectl apply -f policy/cluster.yaml

To verify SLSA provenance on any namespace in your cluster, add a sigstore inclusion label to that namespace (e.g. demo):

kubectl label ns demo

Now, you should see an error when deploying images that don't have SLSA attestation created by your release pipeline:

kubectl run test --image=nginxdemos/hello -n demo

Will result in:

admission webhook "" denied the request
validation failed: no matching policies: spec.containers[0].image

That policy failed because the image URI doesn't match the images glob we've specified (glob:**). How about if we try to deploy image that does:

kubectl run test -n demo --image

Now the failure is on the SLSA policy due to lack of verifiable attestations:

admission webhook "" denied the request:
validation failed: failed policy: slsa-attestation-image-policy: spec.containers[0].image 
attestation keyless validation failed for authority authority-0 for 
no matching attestations:

This demonstrates how the policy-controller admission controller enforces SLSA provenance policy in your cluster based on verifiable supply-chain metadata from cosign.


This is my personal project and it does not represent my employer. While I do my best to ensure that everything works, I take no responsibility for issues caused by this code.


playing around with mchmarny/s3cme



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