- Pro
clovertrail / runc
Forked from opencontainers/runcCLI tool for spawning and running containers according to the OCI specification
justincormack / swarmkit
Forked from moby/swarmkitA toolkit for orchestrating distributed systems at any scale. It includes primitives for node discovery, raft-based consensus, task scheduling and more.
cloudius-systems / osv-apps
Forked from tgrabiec/osv-appsOSv Applications
javierguerragiraldez / snabbswitch
Forked from snabbco/snabbThe Snabb Switch Project
Run Lua on Heroku!
construct / construct
Forked from MostAwesomeDude/constructConstruct: Declarative data structures for python that allow symmetric parsing and building
justincormack / luaunit
Forked from rjpcomputing/luaunitA xUnit tests module for Lua. This repository was converted from a CVS repository on luaforge.net on Jan. 20, 2010. If you are the maintainer, please fork and then email luaforge@gmail.com and ask …
justincormack / d3
Forked from d3/d3A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.
bdowning / ljsyscall
Forked from justincormack/ljsyscallLuaJIT Linux syscall FFI
rjpcomputing / luaunit
Forked from bluebird75/luaunitA xUnit tests module for Lua.
justincormack / LuaOAuth
Forked from ignacio/LuaOAuthA OAuth client library for Lua
sabotage-linux / sabotage
Forked from pikhq/sabotagea radical and experimental distribution based on musl libc and busybox
sabrina-xapian / xapian
Forked from xapian/xapianMirror of the Xapian SVN repository
Embed the Power of Lua into NginX
penberg / linux-kvm
Forked from jonsmirl/mpc5200Native Linux KVM tool
justincormack / node-sissy
Forked from tricknik/node-sissyYet another S3 module for nodejs
aarzilli / golua
Forked from afitz/goluaGo bindings for Lua C API - in progress