*** A lot of this is dumb or outdated. Consider this a museum exhibit more than a useful repo ***
This is basically just a playground for boilerplate experimentations. Not recommended for public consumption.
From the project root folder run bash install.sh
to automagically get the stack set up properly. This script will install node.js and npm and resolve all other project dependencies.
Use your favorite package manager to install nodejs and npm. Then run npm install
and and bower install
From the project root run node server.js
. The server is just a pass through right now. There is no error handling or any other smarts at all. The port is set to 8000 by default.
From the project root run r.js -o build.js
. Assets are built to scripts.build/ and there's no automagic pathing at the moment so the path to the scripts file would have to be changed in the html.
- excanvas modernizr example is no longer functional so I need to set up a different example
- Set up testing
- Automate build/path switching
- Integrate handlebars template