shopping-backend Public
Forked from samchon/shopping-backendShopping Mall Backend Server made by NestJS + Prisma for Education
react-native-ambient-light-sensor Public
Forked from Cshayan/react-native-ambient-light-sensorHelps to find your surrounding's light value (for android only) using device light sensor
nestjs-solid Public
Forked from ipenywis/nestjs-solidNest.js & Typescript SOLID Principles for writing clean-code
koreanapps.md Public
Forked from crossplatformkorea/koreanapps.md크로스플랫폼으로 만들어진 국산 앱 리스트입니다.
1 UpdatedApr 3, 2023 -
faster-image Public
Forked from candlefinance/faster-imageFast image loading for React Native backed by performant native libraries.
appstore-status-bot Public
Forked from techinpark/appstore-status-bot🚀 Share your application status with your team for slack. using github actions.
PanSlip Public
Use PanGesture to dismiss view on UIViewController and UIView
aws-sam-lambda-typescript Public
AWS Lambda example based on typescript using sam
awesome-korean-newsletters Public
Forked from ryanking13/awesome-korean-newsletters📰 한국어 뉴스레터 모음 / A curated list of awesome korean newsletters
RealmWrapper Public
Safe and easy wrappers for RealmSwift
Tagging Public
A TextView that provides easy to use tagging feature for Mention or Hashtag
GiTiny Public
An iOS app for GitHub with exploring trending
If you're using Carthage, you can easily set up Framework dependency in XCode through this script
ios-architecture-example Public
Architecture pattern simple examples in iOS. You can compare differences in MVC, MVP, MVVM-Delegate and MVVM-Rx for same feature
FlexibleHeader Public
A container view that responds to scrolling of UIScrollView
FluidHighlighter Public
Fluid Interface based highlighting effect on UIView and UIControl
ViewControllerNavigator Public
Allows you to pop in any view controller stack on iOS. For example, when tab, navigation, modal, and page are stacked together, it can pops up a class or instance of a specific view controller
AwaitToast Public
🍞 An async waiting toast with basic toast. Inspired by facebook posting toast
LicensePlist Public
Forked from mono0926/LicensePlistA license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications
iOSMultithreadingExample Public
Forked from rammhapasekar/iOSMultithreadingExampleImplementation of multithread in swift 3
Optimizing-Swift-Build-Times Public
Forked from fastred/Optimizing-Swift-Build-TimesCollection of advice on optimizing compile times of Swift projects.
EasyTransitions Public
Forked from marcosgriselli/EasyTransitionsA simple way to create custom interactive UIViewController transitions
ios-skills-matrix Public
Forked from BohdanOrlov/ios-skills-matrixiOS Developer Skills Matrix
3 UpdatedJun 23, 2018 -
Runes Public
Forked from thoughtbot/RunesInfix operators for monadic functions in Swift