This is a plugin for JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA (And other compatible IDEs), which replaces your progress bars with a (random) Pokémon. The color of the progress bar fill is based on that Pokémon's type(s). Preferences are located under Preferences > Appearance & Behaviour > Pokémon Progress
If you like the plugin, please consider rating it on the Marketplace or starring it on Github!
Bulbasaur (#001) Venusaur (#003) Charmander (#004) Charizard (#006) Squirtle (#007) Blastoise (#009) Butterfree (#012) Pikachu (#025) Nidoqueen (#031) Nidoking (#034) Jigglypuff (#039) Diglett (#050) Dugtrio (#051) Meowth (#052) Psyduck (#054) Golduck (#055) Alakazam (#065) Machamp (#068) Slowpoke (#079) Magnemite (#081) Gengar (#094) Koffing (#109) Scyther (#123) Gyarados (#130) Eevee (#133) Vaporeon (#134) Jolteon (#135) Flareon (#136) Snorlax (#143) Articuno (#144) Zapdos (#145) Moltres (#146) Dragonite (#149) Mewtwo (#150) Mew (#151)
Chikorita (#152) Meganium (#154) Cyndaquil (#155) Typhlosion (#157) Totodile (#158) Feraligatr (#160) Togepi (#175) Espeon (#196) Umbreon (#197) Wobbuffet (#202) Raikou (#243) Entei (#244) Suicune (#245) Lugia (#249) Ho-Oh (#250) Celebi (#251)
Treecko (#252) Sceptile (#254) Torchic (#255) Blaziken (#257) Mudkip (#258) Swampert (#260) Wailmer (#320) Wailord (#321) Latias (#380) Latios (#381) Kyogre (#382) Groudon (#383) Rayquaza (#384) Jirachi (#385) Deoxys (#386)
Turtwig (#387) Torterra (#389) Chimchar (#390) Infernape (#392) Piplup (#393) Empoleon (#395) Leafeon (#470) Glaceon (#471) Arceus (#493)
Chespin (#650) Chesnaught (#652) Fennekin (#653) Delphox (#655) Froakie (#656) Greninja (#658) Sylveon (#700)
Rowlet (#722) Decidueye (#724) Litten (#725) Incineroar (#727) Popplio (#728) Primarina (#730) Mimikyu (#778)
Galarian Articuno (#144) Galarian Zapdos (#145) Galarian Moltres (#146) Grookey (#810) Rillaboom (#812) Scorbunny (#813) Cinderace (#815) Sobble (#816) Intelleon (#818) Wooloo (#831) Zacian (#888) Zamazenta (#889)
Contributions are very welcome on this project! Contributions can take the form of bug reports, feature requests, pull requests, Pokémon requests or more! Please see our contributing guidelines and code of conduct to get started.
- Pokencyclopedia SpriteDex - Heart Gold & Soul Silver
- All Gen I-IV sprites unless otherwise noted
- MissingNo.
- Kyle-Dove on DeviantArt
- Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott
- cSc-A7X on DeviantArt
- Serperior, Emboar, Samurott
- princess-phoenix on DeviantArt
- All Gen VI sprites unless otherwise noted
- JuJoAura on DeviantArt
- Sylveon
- Princess-Phoenix, Larryturbo, Kiddkatt, Zender1752, SageDeoxys, curated by Larryturbo
- All Gen VII sprites unless otherwise noted
- SageDeoxys
- All Gen VIII sprites unless otherwise noted
- DarkusShadow on DeviantArt
- All Gen IX sprites unless otherwise noted
- The code for the progress bar itself was adapted from Nyan Progess Bar.
- This plugin is of course heavily dependent on JetBrains' IntelliJ SDK
- All the contributors who've helped build this plugin
- Official scheme colours taken from Bulbapedia's Type color templates
- Artemis251 scheme colours taken from Artemis251's Pokémon Emerald Randomizer Type Color Guide
- Nyjee scheme colours taken from Nyjee's Pokémon Type Colors on DeviantArt
- Sprite Gif editing done with ImageMagick (using this script)
- Types, names, numbers, & info mainly gathered from Bulbapedia
- The idea for this plugin came from KikiManjaro's Pokemon Trainer Progress Bar
- Family photo generated using Scrimage for GIF reading & writing
- The Pokémon Company, for creating Pokémon