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html-minifier Public
Javascript-based HTML compressor/minifier (with Node.js support)
kangax.github.com Public
Forked from maxim/maxim.github.comList of my projects and resume
osx Public
Customization of OS X and installation of most of my work (and other) stuff
ember-cli-terser Public
Forked from ember-cli/ember-cli-terserJavaScript minification for Ember-CLI
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 21, 2021 -
prettier Public
Forked from prettier/prettierPrettier is an opinionated code formatter.
ember-template-lint Public
Forked from ember-template-lint/ember-template-lintLinter for Ember or Handlebars templates
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 8, 2020 -
redux-form Public
Forked from redux-form/redux-formA Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state in a Redux store
eslint-plugin-css-modules Public
Forked from atfzl/eslint-plugin-css-modulesChecks that you are using the existent css/scss classes, no more no less
eslint-plugin-flowtype Public
Forked from gajus/eslint-plugin-flowtypeFlow type linting rules for ESLint.
eslint-plugin-jest Public
Forked from jest-community/eslint-plugin-jestESLint plugin for Jest
awesome-flow Public
Forked from dustinspecker/awesome-flowA list of awesome Flow integrations, tools, tutorials, etc.
flow-typed Public
Forked from flow-typed/flow-typedA central repository for Flow library definitions
codemod-proptypes-to-flow Public
Forked from billyvg/codemod-proptypes-to-flowRemoves React.PropTypes and attempts to transform to flowtypes
react-select Public
Forked from JedWatson/react-selectA Select control built with and for React JS
html-lint Public
Linter that was originally part of kangax/html-minifier
babel Public
Forked from babel/babelBabel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
rollup Public
Forked from rollup/rollupNext-generation ES6 module bundler
babel.github.io Public
Forked from babel/website🌐 The Babel documentation website
stylelint Public
Forked from stylelint/stylelintA mighty, modern CSS linter
jscritic Public
Quickly check how well 3rd party script behaves.
ApplySyntax Public
Forked from facelessuser/ApplySyntaxSyntax detector for Sublime Text
web-design-standards Public
Forked from uswds/uswdsOpen source UI components and visual style guide for U.S. federal government websites
dotfiles-1 Public
Forked from mathiasbynens/dotfiles.files, including ~/.osx — sensible hacker defaults for OS X