pin envtest to latest version before golang 1.32 bump
pin envtest to latest version before golang 1.32 bump
use staging images instead of gcr
use staging images instead of gcr
Force push
Update all the examples to combine the service.yaml
into the `lws.y…
Update all the examples to combine the
into the `lws.y…copy the golang code rather than add folders into docker file
copy the golang code rather than add folders into docker file
Force push
copy the golang code rather than add folders into docker file
copy the golang code rather than add folders into docker file
Force push
copy the golang code rather than add folders into docker file
copy the golang code rather than add folders into docker file
add junit and artifacts directory for e2e tests so testgrid will disp…
add junit and artifacts directory for e2e tests so testgrid will disp…
address non linear parsing cve by upgrading golang net
address non linear parsing cve by upgrading golang net
add doc to say how to install in a different namespace
add doc to say how to install in a different namespace
use the namespace of the service account rather than specifying as a …
use the namespace of the service account rather than specifying as a …
update golang to 1.23 and fix docker warnings
update golang to 1.23 and fix docker warnings
Force push
update golang to 1.23 and fix docker warnings
update golang to 1.23 and fix docker warnings
add pods finalizer update rbac to allow lws to run in openshift
add pods finalizer update rbac to allow lws to run in openshift
drop kubernetes dependency and reuse podutils here
drop kubernetes dependency and reuse podutils here
add golangci to project and add goimports and unparam as two packages…
add golangci to project and add goimports and unparam as two packages…
kep update for headless service
kep update for headless service
Force push