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ExternalDNS Webhook Provider for UniFi

GitHub Release   Discord

ExternalDNS is a Kubernetes add-on for automatically managing DNS records for Kubernetes ingresses and services by using different DNS providers. This webhook provider allows you to automate DNS records from your Kubernetes clusters into your UniFi Network controller.

🎯 Requirements

  • ExternalDNS >= v0.14.0
  • UniFi OS >= 3.x
  • UniFi Network >= 8.2.93

🚫 Limitations

  • Wildcard CNAME Records are not supported by UniFi.

β›΅ Deployment

Gathering your credentials

UniFi Api Key - Network v9.0.0+
  1. Open your UniFi Console's Network Settings and go to Settings > Control Plane > Admins & Users.

  2. Selecting your user to operate under. Whenever we modify the DNS Records, this user will show up under System Log > Admin Activity

  3. Go under Control Plane API Key and click Create New. You can set the name to whatever you want, and the expiration to whatever you feel like.

  4. Create a Kubernetes secret called external-dns-unifi-secret that will hold your UNIFI_API_KEY with their respected values from Step 3.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: external-dns-unifi-secret
  api-key: <your-api-key>
Username & Password (Deprecated)
  1. Open your UniFi Console's Network Settings and go to Settings > Control Plane > Admins & Users.

  2. Select Create New Admin.

  3. In the menu that appears, enable Restrict to Local Access Only. Deselect Use a Predefined Role. Set Network: Site Admin. All other selections can be set to None. Click Create.

  4. Create a Kubernetes secret called external-dns-unifi-secret that holds the username and password with their respected values from Step 3.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: external-dns-unifi-secret
  username: <your-username>
  password: <your-password>

Installing the provider

  1. Add the ExternalDNS Helm repository to your cluster.

    helm repo add external-dns
  2. Deploy your external-dns-unifi-secret secret that holds your authentication credentials from either of the credential types above.

  3. Create the helm values file, for example external-dns-unifi-values.yaml:

    fullnameOverride: external-dns-unifi
    logLevel: &logLevel debug
      name: webhook
          tag: main # replace with a versioned release tag
          - name: UNIFI_HOST
            value: # replace with the address to your UniFi router/controller
            value: "false"
          - name: UNIFI_API_KEY
                name: external-dns-unifi-secret
                key: api-key
          - name: LOG_LEVEL
            value: *logLevel
            path: /healthz
            port: http-webhook
          initialDelaySeconds: 10
          timeoutSeconds: 5
            path: /readyz
            port: http-webhook
          initialDelaySeconds: 10
          timeoutSeconds: 5
      - --ignore-ingress-tls-spec
    policy: sync
    sources: ["ingress", "service"]
    txtOwnerId: default
    txtPrefix: k8s.
    domainFilters: [""] # replace with your domain
  4. Install the Helm chart

    helm install external-dns-unifi external-dns/external-dns -f external-dns-unifi-values.yaml --version 1.15.0 -n external-dns


Unifi Controller Configuration

Environment Variable Description Default Value
UNIFI_API_KEY The local api key provided for your user N/A
UNIFI_USER Username for the Unifi Controller (deprecated use UNIFI_API_KEY). N/A
UNIFI_PASS Password for the Unifi Controller (deprecated use UNIFI_API_KEY). N/A
UNIFI_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY Whether to skip TLS verification (true or false). true
UNIFI_SITE Unifi Site Identifier (used in multi-site installations) default
UNIFI_HOST Host of the Unifi Controller (must be provided). N/A
UNIFI_EXTERNAL_CONTROLLER* Toggles support for non-UniFi Hardware false
LOG_LEVEL Change the verbosity of logs (used when making a bug report) info

*UNIFI_EXTERNAL_CONTROLLER is used to toggle between two versions of the Network Controller API. If you are running the UniFi software outside of UniFi's official hardware (e.g., Cloud Key or Dream Machine), you'll need to set UNIFI_EXTERNAL_CONTROLLER to true

Server Configuration

Environment Variable Description Default Value
SERVER_HOST The host address where the server listens. localhost
SERVER_PORT The port where the server listens. 8888
SERVER_READ_TIMEOUT Duration the server waits before timing out on read operations. N/A
SERVER_WRITE_TIMEOUT Duration the server waits before timing out on write operations. N/A
DOMAIN_FILTER List of domains to include in the filter. Empty
EXCLUDE_DOMAIN_FILTER List of domains to exclude from filtering. Empty
REGEXP_DOMAIN_FILTER Regular expression for filtering domains. Empty
REGEXP_DOMAIN_FILTER_EXCLUSION Regular expression for excluding domains from the filter. Empty

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🀝 Gratitude and Thanks

Thanks to all the people who donate their time to the Home Operations Discord community.