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GitHub CLI extension to create and generate a report of variables or secrets name and access.


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A GitHub gh CLI extension to list and create Secrets and Variables defined at an Organization level and/or Repository level.


  1. Install the gh CLI - see the installation instructions.

  2. Install the extension:

    gh extension install katiem0/gh-seva

For more information: gh extension install.


This extension supports listing and creating secrets and variables between and GitHub Enterprise Server, through the use of --hostname and --source-hostname.

If you are listing or creating org level secrets or variables, you'll need to ensure you have logged in with the admin:org scope. To do so, run the following command:

gh auth login -s admin:org
$ gh seva -h
Export and Create secrets and variables for an organization and/or repositories.

  seva [command]

Available Commands:
  secrets     Export and Create secrets for an organization and/or repositories.
  variables   Export and Create variables for an organization and/or repositories.

      --help   Show help for command

Use "seva [command] --help" for more information about a command.


The gh seva secrets command comprises of two subcommands, export and create, to access and create Organization level and repository level secrets.

$ gh seva secrets -h
Export and Create Actions, Dependabot, and Codespaces secrets for an organization and/or repositories.

  seva secrets [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create Actions, Dependabot, and/or Codespaces secrets from a file.
  export      Generate a report of Actions, Dependabot, and Codespaces secrets for an organization and/or repositories.

      --help   Show help for command

Use "seva secrets [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Create Secrets

The gh seva secrets create command will create secrets from a csv file that contains the following information:

  • SecretLevel: If the secret was created at the organization or repository level
  • SecretType: If the secret was created for Actions, Dependabot or Codespaces
  • SecretName: The name of the secret
  • SecretValue: The value of the secret that will be encrypted using the associated public key
  • SecretAccess: If an organization level secret, the visibility of the secret (i.e. all, private, or scoped)
  • RepositoryNames: The name of the repositories that the secret can be accessed from (delimited with ;)
  • RepositoryIDs: The id of the repositories that the secret can be accessed from (delimited with ;)

This extension supports and GHES, through the use of --hostname and --token.

$ gh seva secrets create -h
Create Actions, Dependabot, and/or Codespaces secrets for an organization and/or repositories from a file.

  seva secrets create <organization> [flags]

  -d, --debug              To debug logging
  -f, --from-file string   Path and Name of CSV file to create webhooks from (required)
      --hostname string    GitHub Enterprise Server hostname (default "")
  -t, --token string       GitHub personal access token for organization to write to (default "gh auth token")

Global Flags:
      --help   Show help for command

Export Secrets

The gh seva secrets export command exports secrets for the specified <organization> or [repo ..] list. If <organization> is selected, both organization level and repository level secrets will be exported. The report will contain secrets produces a csv report with the following:

  • SecretLevel: If the secret was created at the organization or repository level
  • SecretType: If the secret was created for Actions, Dependabot or Codespaces
  • SecretName: The name of the secret
  • SecretValue: This field will be blank, we cannot export secret values.
  • SecretAccess: If an organization level secret, this is the visibility of the secret (i.e. all, private, or scoped)
  • RepositoryNames: The name of the repositories that the secret can be accessed from (delimited with ;)
  • RepositoryIDs: The id of the repositories that the secret can be accessed from (delimited with ;)

This extension supports and GHES, through the use of --hostname and --token.

$ gh seva secrets export -h
Generate a report of Actions, Dependabot, and Codespaces secrets for an organization and/or repositories.

  seva secrets export [flags] <organization> [repo ...] 

  -a, --app string           List secrets for a specific application or all: {all|actions|codespaces|dependabot} (default "all")
  -d, --debug                To debug logging
      --hostname string      GitHub Enterprise Server hostname (default "")
  -o, --output-file string   Name of file to write CSV report (default "report-20230505162601.csv")
  -t, --token string         GitHub Personal Access Token (default "gh auth token")

Global Flags:
      --help   Show help for command


Organization level Actions variables can be created and exported, relying on the csv file syntax:

  • VariableLevel: If the variable was created at the organization or repository level
  • VariableName: The name of the Actions variable
  • VariableValue: The value of the Actions variable
  • VariableAccess: If an organization level variable, this is the visibility of the variable (i.e. all, private, or scoped)
  • RepositoryNames: The name of the repositories that the variable can be accessed from (delimited with ;)
  • RepositoryIDs: The id of the repositories that the variable can be accessed from (delimited with ;)
$ gh seva variables -h
Export and Create Actions variables for an organization and/or repositories.

  seva variables [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create Organization Actions variables.
  export      Generate a report of Actions variables for an organization and/or repositories.

      --help   Show help for command

Use "seva variables [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Create Variables

Organization level variables can be created from a csv file using --from-file following the format outlined in gh seva variables.

  • If specifying a Source Organization (--source-organization) to retrieve variables and create under a new Org, the --source-token is required.
$ gh seva variables create -h

Create Organization Actions variables for a specified organization or organization and repositories level variables from a file.

  seva variables create <organization> [flags]

  -d, --debug                        To debug logging
  -f, --from-file string             Path and Name of CSV file to create variables from
      --hostname string              GitHub Enterprise Server hostname (default "")
      --source-hostname string       GitHub Enterprise Server hostname where variables are copied from (default "")
  -o, --source-organization string   Name of the Source Organization to copy variables from (Requires --source-token)
  -s, --source-token string          GitHub personal access token for Source Organization (Required for --source-organization)
  -t, --token string                 GitHub personal access token for organization to write to (default "gh auth token")

Global Flags:
      --help   Show help for command

Export Variables

The gh seva variables export command exports variables for the specified <organization> or [repo ..] list. If <organization> is selected, both organization level and repository level variables will be exported. The report will contain variables produces a csv report with the following:

  • VariableLevel: If the variable was created at the organization or repository level
  • VariableName: The name of the Actions variable
  • VariableValue: The value of the Actions variable
  • VariableAccess: If an organization level variable, this is the visibility of the variable (i.e. all, private, or scoped)
  • RepositoryNames: The name of the repositories that the variable can be accessed from (delimited with ;)
  • RepositoryIDs: The id of the repositories that the variable can be accessed from (delimited with ;)

This extension supports and GHES, through the use of --hostname and --token.

$ gh seva variables export -h
Generate a report of Actions variables for an organization and/or repositories.

  seva variables export [flags] <organization> [repo ...] 

  -d, --debug                To debug logging
      --hostname string      GitHub Enterprise Server hostname (default "")
  -o, --output-file string   Name of file to write CSV report (default "report-20230505163210.csv")
  -t, --token string         GitHub Personal Access Token (default "gh auth token")

Global Flags:
      --help   Show help for command


GitHub CLI extension to create and generate a report of variables or secrets name and access.






