Provides an executor for the graphql
gem which allows queries to be batched.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'graphql-batch'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install graphql-batch
Require the library
require 'graphql/batch'
Define a custom loader, which is initialized with arguments that are used for grouping and a perform method for performing the batch load.
class RecordLoader < GraphQL::Batch::Loader
def initialize(model)
@model = model
def perform(ids)
@model.where(id: ids).each { |record| fulfill(, record) }
ids.each { |id| fulfill(id, nil) unless fulfilled?(id) }
Use the batch execution strategy with your schema
MySchema = MyQueryType)
MySchema.query_execution_strategy = GraphQL::Batch::ExecutionStrategy
MySchema.mutation_execution_strategy = GraphQL::Batch::MutationExecutionStrategy
The loader class can be used from the resolve proc for a graphql field by calling .for
with the grouping arguments to get a loader instance, then call .load
on that instance with the key to load.
resolve -> (obj, args, context) { RecordLoader.for(Product).load(args["id"]) }
GraphQL::Batch::Loader#load returns a Promise using the promise.rb gem to provide a promise based API, so you can transform the query results using .then
resolve -> (obj, args, context) do
RecordLoader.for(Product).load(args["id"]).then do |product|
You may also need to do another query that depends on the first one to get the result, in which case the query block can return another query.
resolve -> (obj, args, context) do
RecordLoader.for(Product).load(args["id"]).then do |product|
If the second query doesn't depend on the first one, then you can use Promise.all, which allows each query in the group to be batched with other queries.
resolve -> (obj, args, context) do
CountLoader.for(Shop, :smart_collections).load(context.shop_id),
CountLoader.for(Shop, :custom_collections).load(context.shop_id),
]).then do |results|
can optionally take two lambda arguments, the first of which is equivalent to passing a block to .then
, and the second one handles exceptions. This can be used to provide a fallback
resolve -> (obj, args, context) do
CacheLoader.for(Product).load(args["id"]).then(nil, lambda do |exc|
raise exc unless exc.is_a?(Redis::BaseConnectionError)
logger.warn err.message
GraphQL::Batch::Promise#sync can be used to wait for a promise to be resolved and return its result. This can be useful for debugging and unit testing loaders.
def test_single_query
product = products(:snowboard)
query = RecordLoader.for(Product).load(args["id"]).then(&:title)
assert_equal product.title, query.sync
Use GraphQL::Batch::Promise.all instead of Promise.all to be able to call sync on the returned promise.
def test_batch_query
products = [products(:snowboard), products(:jacket)]
query1 = RecordLoader.for(Product).load(products(:snowboard).id).then(&:title)
query2 = RecordLoader.for(Product).load(products(:jacket).id).then(&:title)
results = GraphQL::Batch::Promise.all([query1, query2]).sync
assert_equal products(:snowboard).title, results[0]
assert_equal products(:jacket).title, results[1]
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake test
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.