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graphql graphql-ruby

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A Ruby implementation of GraphQL.


Install from RubyGems by adding it to your Gemfile, then bundling.

# Gemfile
gem 'graphql'
$ bundle install


Declare types & build a schema

# Declare a type...
PostType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do
  name "Post"
  description "A blog post"

  field :id, !types.ID
  field :title, !types.String
  field :body, !types.String
  field :comments, types[!CommentType]

# ...and a query root
QueryType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do
  name "Query"
  description "The query root of this schema"

  field :post do
    type PostType
    argument :id, !types.ID
    resolve -> (obj, args, ctx) { Post.find(args["id"]) }

# Then create your schema
Schema =
  query: QueryType,
  max_depth: 8,

Execute queries

Execute GraphQL queries on a given schema, from a query string.

result_hash = Schema.execute(query_string)
# {
#   "data" => {
#     "post" => {
#        "id" => 1,
#        "title" => "GraphQL is nice"
#     }
#   }
# }

Use with Relay

If you're building a backend for Relay, you'll need:


  • Implement the GraphQL spec & support a Relay front end
  • Provide idiomatic, plain-Ruby API with similarities to reference implementation where possible
  • Support Ruby on Rails and Relay

Getting Involved

  • Say hi & ask questions in the #ruby channel on Slack or on Twitter!
  • Report bugs by posting a description, full stack trace, and all relevant code in a GitHub issue.
  • Features & patches are welcome! Consider discussing it in an issue or in the #ruby channel on Slack to make sure we're on the same page.
  • Run the tests with rake test or start up guard with bundle exec guard.

Related Projects


Blog Posts

To Do

  • StaticValidation improvements
    • Use catch-all type/field/argument definitions instead of terminating traversal
    • Reduce ad-hoc traversals?
    • Validators are order-dependent, is this a smell?
    • Tests for interference between validators are poor
    • Maybe this is a candidate for a rewrite? Can it somehow work more closely with query analysis? Somehow support the Query#perform_validation refactor?
  • Add Rails-y argument validations, eg less_than: 100, max_length: 255, one_of: [...]
    • Must be customizable
  • Refactor Query#perform_validation, how can that be organized better?
  • Relay:
    • GlobalNodeIdentification.to_global_id should receive the type name and object, not id. (Or, maintain the "type_name, id in, type_name, id out" pattern?)
    • Reduce duplication in ArrayConnection / RelationConnection
    • Improve API for creating edges (better RANGE_ADD support)
    • If the new edge isn't a member of the connection's objects, raise a nice error


Ruby implementation of Facebook's GraphQL







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  • Ruby 96.4%
  • Yacc 2.4%
  • Other 1.2%