- Seattle, WA
- http://www.kennydaily.net/
An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics in R
🎓 A collection of interactive courses for the swirl R package.
Rmd source files for the HarvardX series PH525x
🤹 Shiny tips & tricks for improving your apps and solving common problems
A template utility for R projects that provides a skeletal project.
Inside every classical test there is a Bayesian model trying to get out.
A compendium of the pitfalls and problems that arise when using standard statistical methods
📦 Generate citations for knitr markdown and html files
🌶️ Create lightweight schema.org descriptions of your datasets
Diff, patch and merge for data.frames, see http://paulfitz.github.io/daff/
Bioconductor package "ballgown", devel version. Isoform-level differential expression analysis in R.
Vennerable provides Venn diagrams in R. It displays Venn and Euler diagrams for up to 9 different sets and using a variety of geometries. It allows the display of area-weighted Venn diagrams and al…
The first generation of Markdown rendering for R (born in 2012), based on commonmark. Note that this package is markdown, not *rmarkdown*.
rapport is an R package that facilitates the creation of reproducible statistical report templates
anomaly detection with anomalize and Google Trends data
R package for extracting mutation signatures from a list of somatic mutations
A simple example using R and D3.js for show the examples of SNA Course in Coursera
The SomaticSignatures package offers the framework for identifying mutational signatures of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) from high-throughput experiments.