This repo contains a script to remove weak redactions from PDF files. Note that this script will not uncover anything more than can be revealed by copying and pasting redacted content. However, it operates directly on the original redacted PDF file and produces an unredacted version maintaining as much of the original formatting as possible in a new unredacted PDF.
- Python 🐍 version >= v
To install the needed packages for this application, run the command below:
$ pip install -e .
$ python ./ <redacted-pdf-file-path>
Executing the script will produce a new PDF file named the same as the original document but with '-unredacted' appended to the end of the name.
Redaction is a form of censoring sensitive content from documents. It's generally used in legal or government contexts where most or some of a document can be released to the public or other parties but some of the information is excluded from the release.
You'll recognize redactions as the thick black boxes that cover lines of text. Originally redactions were actually done with a thick black marker overwriting the text on paper. With digital documents, redactions are generally handled by special software that can black out the excluded information in a similar fashion. When done properly, redactions cannot be reversed. But in some circumstances redacted text can be revealed by simply copying the covered text, including the text that is blacked out and pasting it into another document.
These poorly done or weak redactions are more common than you might think and have been the source of valuable information for investigative journalists, for example. Freedom of Information requests seeking documents from government agencies often result in documents with some of the content redacted.
The script depends on the pdfminer.six
, reportlab
and PIL
modules. So
those must be installed before running it. Some older but still helpful
documentation for pdfminer is available here.
The script is in a very early stage. While it has been run over many PDF files, caution, it has had limited testing on weakly redacted documents. If you have examples of redacted documents, I would be very happy to try the program on them, so please let me know.
Also be aware of the following issues:
- The code is not fully commented and documented.
- There are many aspects of PDF that are not handled, e.g. slanted text or other special layout features. Also, there are many PDF elements that are not yet handled.
- Font handling needs improvement. Currently, there is font mapping at the beginning of the script. This solution is not scalable, and I believe the document's fonts are embedded within the PDF, so there should be a way to get them out.
- Some images that have a white background in the original PDF end up with a black background in the unredacted version. Apparently PDF doesn't have transparency in images, so that's accomplished by a second image that creates the background. The code should figure out and fix the transparency when it exists.
- Some unredacted files are much bigger than the original file.
make lint
: Runs black
, ruff
, and isort
over the code files.