👋 hi, my name is kelsy.
i like thinking about systems
, how things relate, & the fluid concept of 'value'.
lately i've been sharing what i learn on posts.cv/kelsy, and slowly making kelsy.design less-shit (i prefer working on real problems with a cross-functional team versus trying to talk about past projects, especially with the rapid rise of ai-workflows).
took some time off of work to pause & reflect, i also happened to do that at the peak of the ux-bubble 🏄.
it's given me time to disconnect and observe the rapid generative ai advancements.
2024 is going to be wild, and i’m excited to see how society responds when ~everything digital can be gpt-shit-out with zero thought (grifters gonna grift).
trust, transparency, and the value of human-made are a few things front of my mind.