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Package logkafka provides a Logrus Hook implementation for publishing log messages on a Kafka Topic.

logkafka uses a builder pattern to configure the Hook. This provides simplicity and flexibility when configuring a Hook. There are convenience functions for creating a sarama.AsyncProducer and logrus.Formatter.

Basic Usage

// use SimpleProducer to create an AsyncProducer
producer := logkafka.SimpleProducer([]string{""}, sarama.CompressionSnappy, sarama.WaitForLocal, nil)

// use DefaultFormatter to create a JSONFormatter with pre-defined fields or override with any fields
// create the Hook and use the builder functions to apply configurations
hook := logkafka.New().WithFormatter(logkafka.DefaultFormatter(logrus.Fields{"type": "myappName"})).WithProducer(producer)

// create a new logger and add the hook
log := logrus.New()

log.Debug("Hello World")

Example of formatted message published to Kafka

	"@timestamp": "2018-04-20T04:03:00Z",
	"@version": "1",
	"level": "info",
	"message": "Hello World",
	"type": "myappName"