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Prometheus Service

This service has reached end of life on December 22nd, 2023 similar to Keptn V1.

GitHub release (latest by date) Go Report Card

The prometheus-service is a Keptn integration responsible for:

  1. configuring Prometheus for monitoring services managed by Keptn,
  2. receiving alerts (on port 8080) from Prometheus Alertmanager and translating the alert payload to a cloud event ( remediation.triggered) that is sent to the Keptn API,
  3. retrieving Service Level Indicators (SLIs) from a Prometheus API endpoint and sending it back to Keptn.

Compatibility Matrix

Please always double-check the version of Keptn you are using compared to the version of this service, and follow the compatibility matrix below.

Keptn Version* Prometheus Service Image
0.13.x keptncontrib/prometheus-service:0.7.4
0.13.x keptncontrib/prometheus-service:0.7.5
0.14.2** keptncontrib/prometheus-service:0.8.0
0.15.1 keptncontrib/prometheus-service:0.8.1***
0.16.0 keptncontrib/prometheus-service:0.8.2***
0.16.x keptncontrib/prometheus-service:0.8.3
0.17.x keptncontrib/prometheus-service:0.8.6
0.18.x keptncontrib/prometheus-service:0.9.1
0.19.x keptncontrib/prometheus-service:0.9.1
0.20.x keptncontrib/prometheus-service:0.9.1
1.x.y keptncontrib/prometheus-service:0.9.1

* This is the Keptn version we aim to be compatible with. Other versions should work too, but there is no guarantee.

** This version is only compatible with Keptn 0.14.2 and potentially newer releases of Keptn 0.14.x due to a breaking change in NATS cluster name.

*** These versions are not compatible with Prometheus Alertmanager <= 0.24

You can find more information and older releases on the Releases page.

Installation instructions

Setup Prometheus Monitoring

Keptn does not install or manage Prometheus and its components. Users need to install Prometheus and Prometheus Alert manager as a prerequisite.

The easiest way would be to setup Prometheus using helm, e.g.:

kubectl create namespace monitoring
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus --namespace monitoring

Optional: Verify Prometheus in your Kubernetes cluster

  • To verify that the Prometheus scrape jobs are correctly set up, you can access Prometheus by enabling port-forwarding for the prometheus-server:
kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-server 8080:80 -n monitoring

Prometheus is then available on localhost:8080/targets where you can see the targets for the service.

Install prometheus-service

Please replace the placeholders in the commands below. Examples are provided.

  • <VERSION>: prometheus-service version, e.g., 0.8.3
  • <PROMETHEUS_NS>: If prometheus is installed in the same Kubernetes cluster, the namespace needs to be provided, e.g., monitoring
  • <PROMETHEUS_ENDPOINT>: Endpoint for prometheus (primarily used for fetching metrics), e.g., http://prometheus-server.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:80
  • <ALERT_MANAGER_NS>: if prometheus alert manager is installed in the same Kubernetes cluster, the namespace needs to be provided, e.g., monitoring

Once this is done, you can go ahead and install prometheus-service:

Note: Make sure to replace <VERSION> with the version you want to install.

  • Install Keptn prometheus-service in Kubernetes using the following command. This will install the prometheus-service into the keptn namespace and will autodetect the prometheus and the alertmanager namespaces.

    helm upgrade --install -n keptn prometheus-service \<VERSION>/prometheus-service-<VERSION>.tgz \
  • (Optional) If you want to customize the namespaces of Keptn or the Prometheus installation, replace the environment variable values according to the use case and apply the manifest (this will automatically disable the autodetect):

    helm upgrade -n ${KEPTN_NAMESPACE} prometheus-service \<VERSION>/prometheus-service-<VERSION>.tgz \
      --reuse-values \
      --set prometheus.namespace=${PROMETHEUS_NS} \
      --set prometheus.endpoint=${PROMETHEUS_ENDPOINT} \
      --set prometheus.namespace_am=${ALERT_MANAGER_NS}
  • Execute the following command to configure Prometheus and set up the rules for the Prometheus Alerting Manager:

    keptn configure monitoring prometheus --project=sockshop --service=carts

Advanced Options

You can customize prometheus-service with the following environment variables:

    # Prometheus installed namespace
    - name: PROMETHEUS_NS
      value: 'default'
    # Prometheus server configmap name
    - name: PROMETHEUS_CM
      value: 'prometheus-server'
    # Prometheus server app labels
      value: 'component=server'
    # Prometheus configmap data's config filename
      value: 'prometheus.yml'
    # AlertManager configmap data's config filename
      value: 'alertmanager.yml'
    # Alert Manager config map name
    - name: ALERT_MANAGER_CM
      value: 'prometheus-alertmanager'
    # Alert Manager app labels
      value: 'component=alertmanager'
    # Alert Manager installed namespace
    - name: ALERT_MANAGER_NS
      value: 'default'
    # Alert Manager template configmap name
      value: 'alertmanager-templates'

Prometheus SLI provider

Per default, the service works with the following assumptions regarding the setup of the Prometheus instance:

  • Each service within a stage of a project has a Prometheus scrape job definition with the name: <service>-<project>-<stage>

    For example, if project=sockshop, stage=production and service=carts, the scrape job name would have to be carts-sockshop-production.

  • Every service provides the following metrics for its corresponding scrape job:

    • http_response_time_milliseconds (Histogram)

    • http_requests_total (Counter)

      This metric has to contain the status label, indicating the HTTP response code of the requests handled by the service. It is highly recommended that this metric also provides a label to query metric values for specific endpoints, e.g. handler.

      An example of an entry would look like this: http_requests_total{method="GET",handler="VersionController.getInformation",status="200",} 4.0

  • Based on those metrics, the queries for the SLIs are built as follows:

    • throughput: sum(rate(http_requests_total{job="<service>-<project>-<stage>-canary"}[<test_duration_in_seconds>s]))
    • error_rate: sum(rate(http_requests_total{job="<service>-<project>-<stage>-canary",status!~'2..'}[<test_duration_in_seconds>s]))/sum(rate(http_requests_total{job="<service>-<project>-<stage>-canary"}[<test_duration_in_seconds>s]))
    • response_time_p50: histogram_quantile(0.50, sum(rate(http_response_time_milliseconds_bucket{job='<service>-<project>-<stage>-canary'}[<test_duration_in_seconds>s])) by (le))
    • response_time_p90: histogram_quantile(0.90, sum(rate(http_response_time_milliseconds_bucket{job='<service>-<project>-<stage>-canary'}[<test_duration_in_seconds>s])) by (le))
    • response_time_p95: histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(http_response_time_milliseconds_bucket{job='<service>-<project>-<stage>-canary'}[<test_duration_in_seconds>s])) by (le))

Advanced Usage

Using an external Prometheus instance

To use an external Prometheus instance for a certain project, a secret containing the URL and the access credentials has to be created using the keptn cli (don't forget to replace the <project> placeholder with the name of your project):


keptn create secret prometheus-credentials-<project> --scope="keptn-prometheus-service" --from-literal="PROMETHEUS_USER=$PROMETHEUS_USER" --from-literal="PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD=$PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD" --from-literal="PROMETHEUS_URL=$PROMETHEUS_URL"

Note: This creates an actual Kubernetes secret, with some Kubernetes labels (, and is bound to the correct role (keptn-prometheus-svc-read) which allow prometheus-service to access it.

User-defined Service Level Indicators (SLIs)

Users can override the predefined queries, as well as add custom queries by creating a SLI configuration.

  • A SLI configuration is a yaml file as shown below:

    spec_version: '1.0'
      cpu_usage: avg(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="$PROJECT-$STAGE",pod_name=~"$SERVICE-primary-.*"}[5m]))
      response_time_p95: histogram_quantile(0.95, sum by(le) (rate(http_response_time_milliseconds_bucket{handler="ItemsController.addToCart",job="$SERVICE-$PROJECT-$STAGE-canary"}[$DURATION_SECONDS])))

    This file contains a list of keys (e.g., cpu_usage) and a prometheus metric expressions (e.g., avg(rate(...{filters}[timeframe]))).

  • To store this configuration, you need to add this file to a Keptn's configuration store, e.g., using the keptn add-resource command:

    keptn add-resource --project <project> --service <service> --stage <stage> --resource=sli.yaml --resourceUri=prometheus/sli.yaml

Within the user-defined queries, the following variables can be used to dynamically build the query, depending on the project/stage/service, and the time frame:

  • $PROJECT: will be replaced with the name of the project
  • $STAGE: will be replaced with the name of the stage
  • $SERVICE: will be replaced with the name of the service
  • $DEPLOYMENT: type of the deployment (e.g., direct, canary, primary)
  • $DURATION_SECONDS: will be replaced with the test run duration, e.g. 30s

For example, if an evaluation for the service carts in the stage production of the project sockshop is triggered, and the tests ran for 30s these will be the resulting queries:

rate(my_custom_metric{job='$SERVICE-$PROJECT-$STAGE',handler=~'$handler'}[$DURATION_SECONDS]) => rate(my_custom_metric{job='carts-sockshop-production',handler=~'$handler'}[30s])

Manually creating configmaps and alerts

By default, the prometheus-service automatically creates all the needed configmaps for targets and alerts without needing to configure anything. In some cases, the user might want to manually create the configmaps and alerts instead, which can be enabled by changing the following flags inside the values.yaml file:

  • prometheus.createTargets (default: true) - Enable or disable the automatic creation of Prometheus targets
  • prometheus.createAlerts (default: true) - Enable or disable the automatic creation of Prometheus alerts


Take a look at the TROUBLESHOOTING page for common errors and troubleshooting guidelines.


You are welcome to contribute using Pull Requests against the master branch. Before contributing, please read our Contributing Guidelines.