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Stylize Plugin for Beets

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Album Listing

The stylize plugin adds style and color to the list command and other commands that need to print out items, by adding three template functions for use with the format_item and format_album configuration options.

  • stylize or color: Add color and formatting to your formatted items and albums.
  • nocolor: Show the supplied text only when color is disabled. This is useful to add separators between fields when color is unavailable.
  • link: Create clickable links in the terminal. This has no effect on an unsupported terminal. This lets you play a track or navigate to an album folder with a click.
  • urlencode: URL-encode the supplied text.


As the beets documentation describes in Other plugins, to use an external plugin like this one, there are two options for installation:

  • Make sure it’s in the Python path (known as sys.path to developers). This just means the plugin has to be installed on your system (e.g., with a script or a command like pip or easy_install). For example, pip install beets-stylize.
  • Set the pluginpath config variable to point to the directory containing the plugin. (See Configuring) This would require cloning or otherwise downloading this repository before adding to the pluginpath.


First, enable the stylize plugin (see Using Plugins). Colors for use with the stylize function may be defined using the colors option under UI Options in your beets configuration. For example:

    artist: ["bold", "green"]


The stylize function accepts a named color as the first argument, the text to be stylized as the second, and an optional third argument for the text to be used if color is disabled.

Example Usage

Example usage in your beets configuration, based on the default format_item and format_album configuration options:

  color: true
    # Field colors for use in the item and album formats.
    album: ["blue", "bold"]
    albumartist: ["yellow"]
    artist: ["bold", "yellow"]
    title: ["normal"]

format_item: "%stylize{artist,$artist} %nocolor{- }%stylize{album,$album} %nocolor{- }%stylize{title,$title}"
format_album: "%stylize{albumartist,$albumartist} %nocolor{- }%stylize{album,$album}"

With this configured, we see listings like this:

Album Listing

And this:

Track Listing

If no color is available, such as due to redirection, or setting the NO_COLOR environment variable, we see a listing like this due to the use of %nocolor to add the separator:

Nocolor Listing

As an example of how to use %link, this would make the entire line a clickable link to the file path:

format_item: "%link{file://$path,$artist - $album - $title}"

As we see here, in the Visual Studio Code terminal:

Link Listing

Example Usage From My Personal Configuration

Personal Config Listings

This example is more elaborate, and includes usage of alias, savedformats, inline and albumtypes. alias is only used to provide separate commands that use %link, as using it seems to have a performance impact, so I don't want it always used. savedformats is only used to split up the default format strings for readability and maintainability, but is not required. inline can be used instead of savedformats to provide the icon field.

plugins: stylize alias savedformats inline albumtypes

    help: List items, linking to their files
    command: ls -f '%link{file://$path,$icon} $format_item'
    aliases: list-linked

    help: List items, with links to play them in foobar2000 (macOS only)
    command: ls -f '%link{shortcuts://run-shortcut?name=Open in foobar2000&input=text&text=%urlencode{$path},$icon} $format_item'
    aliases: list-foobar2k

  icon: '"πŸ“„"'
  disc_and_track: |
    if not track or (tracktotal and tracktotal == 1):
      return ''
    elif disctotal > 1:
      return u'%02i.%02i' % (disc, track)
      return u'%02i' % track

  icon: '"πŸ“"'

  format_item: "%ifdef{id,$format_id }%if{$singleton,,$format_album_title %nocolor{| }}$format_year %nocolor{- }$format_track"

  format_id: "%stylize{id,$id,[$id]}"
  format_album_title: "%stylize{album,$album%aunique{}}%if{$albumtypes,%stylize{albumtypes,%ifdef{atypes,%if{$atypes, $atypes}}}}"
  format_year: "%stylize{year,$year}"

  format_track: "%if{$singleton,,%if{$disc_and_track,$format_disc_and_track %nocolor{- }}}$format_artist$format_title"
  format_disc_and_track: "%stylize{track,$disc_and_track}"
  format_artist: "%stylize{artist,$artist} %nocolor{- }"
  format_title: "%stylize{title,$title}"

  format_album: "%ifdef{id,$format_album_id }%if{$albumartist,$format_albumartist %nocolor{- }}$format_album_title %nocolor{| }$format_year"

  format_album_id: "%stylize{id,$id,[$id]}"
  format_albumartist: "%stylize{albumartist,$albumartist}"
  format_album_title: "%stylize{album,$album%aunique{}}%if{$albumtypes,%stylize{albumtypes,%ifdef{atypes,%if{$atypes, $atypes}}}}"
  format_year: "%stylize{year,$year}"

  # Allow for aliases with `-f '$format_item'` to be used when `-a` is passed
  format_item: "$format_album"

format_album: "$format_album"
format_item: "$format_item"

    album: ["blue", "bold"]
    albumartist: ["yellow", "bold"]
    albumtypes: ["cyan"]
    artist: ["yellow", "bold"]
    id: ["faint"]
    title: ["normal"]
    track: ["green"]
    year: ["magenta", "bold"]


Contributions are very welcome. To learn more, see the Contributor Guide.


Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, Stylize Plugin for Beets is free and open source software. This software prioritizes meeting the criteria of the Ethical Source Principles, though it does not currently utilize an ethical source license.


If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.


This project is a plugin for the beets project, and would not exist without that fantastic project. This project was generated from @cjolowicz's Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter template.


Beets plugin to add style to your music library.




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