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react-structured-query-search πŸŽ‰

NPM JavaScript Style Guide

react-structured-query-search is a javascript library that provides autocomplete search queries.
This was inspired by visualsearch and react-structured-filter

This plugin is written on top of react-structured-filter, which has been revamped to add React 16 support and the existing code has been overriden to support New features.

You can use all the react-typeahead, react-structured-filter API(options) as they are.

πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ New Features πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰

  • Ajax support to retrieve values.
  • Allows user to send values for Category in Array<String> or Array<Object>
  • Allows user to pass custom loader component.
  • Allows user to customize the header of dropdown (categories, operators, values).
  • Allows user to enable/disable operators in search.
  • Allows user to perform category-value search without operator (if isAllowOperator is false).
  • Switch between unique/duplicate categories (key).
  • Switch between unique/duplicate values
  • Allows user to send custom operators list.
  • Allows user to render custom tag(token) Component or the tag(token) Item.
  • Allows user to update Options(props) on runtime.


npm install --save react-structured-query-search

Usage (Example Code) (Demo)

If you want to use Tokenizer then you either import as follows:

import ReactStructuredQuerySearch from "react-structured-query-search";
import "react-structured-query-search/dist/index.css";


import {Tokenizer} from "react-structured-query-search";
import "react-structured-query-search/dist/index.css";

If you want to use Typeahead then you have to import as follows:

import {Typeahead} from "react-structured-query-search";
import "react-structured-query-search/dist/index.css";


New flexible modification/existing options

Parameter Type Default Description
options Array [] An array supplied to the filter function.
maxVisible Number Limit the number of options rendered in the results list.
customClasses Object Allowed Keys:
  • input
  • results
  • listItem
  • listAnchor
  • hover
  • typeahead
  • resultsTruncated
  • token
An object containing custom class names for child elements. Useful for integrating with 3rd party UI kits.
placeholder String Placeholder text for the typeahead input.
πŸ†• disabled Boolean false Set to true for disabling the StructureQuerySearch
πŸ†• defaultSelected function, Array [] Allows user to initialize the search with selected values
πŸ†• categoryHeader String, Component "Category" Allows user the change the header title of Category
πŸ†• operatorHeader String, Component "Operator" Allows user the change the header title of Operator
πŸ†• valueHeader String, Component "Value" Allows user the change the header title of Value
πŸ†• isAllowSearchDropDownHeader Boolean "true" Allows user to enable/disable search drop-down header
πŸ†• isAllowOperator Boolean false Allows user to enable/disable operators in search
πŸ†• isAllowClearAll Boolean true Allows user to clear all selected data
onTokenRemove Function Event handler triggered whenever a token is removed.
onTokenAdd Function Event handler triggered whenever a token is added.
Params: (addedToken)
πŸ†• onClearAll function Event handler triggered whenever clear all button clicked
onOptionSelected Function Event handler triggered whenever a user picks an option.
πŸ†• updateOptions function Allows user to update the Options(props) at runtime, this function is called before onTokenRemove and onTokenAdd
πŸ†• fuzzySearchEmptyMessage String "No result found" This message is shown when dropdown doesn't have search value
πŸ†• renderLoading function, Component "Loading...." Show custom loader when values are retrieved using Ajax
πŸ†• renderTokens function Allows user to render custome Token Component
πŸ†• renderTokenItem function Allows user to render custome Token Item
πŸ†• renderSearchItem function Allows user to render custome value
onKeyDown Function Event handler for the keyDown event on the typeahead input.
onKeyPress Function Event handler for the keyPress event on the typeahead input.
onKeyUp Function Event handler for the keyUp event on the typeahead input.
onBlur Function Event handler for the blur event on the typeahead input.
onFocus Function Event handler for the focus event on the typeahead input.

props.options (Data attributes)

Parameter Type Default Required Description
category String required Name of the first thing the user types.
type String text This can be one of the following:
  • text: Arbitrary text for the value. No autocomplete options.
    • Operator choices will be: "==", "!=", "contains", "!contains".
  • textoptions: You must additionally pass an options value.
    • Operator choices will be: "==", "!=".
  • number: Arbitrary text for the value. No autocomplete options.
    • Operator choices will be: "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=".
  • date: Shows a calendar and the input must be of the form "YYYY-MM-DD".
    • Operator choices will be: "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=".
πŸ†• operator Array, function required, if isAllowOperator prop is set to true If this attribute is added then it would ignore the type check as described in type parameter and it would accept what you have passed
options Array, function, Promise required, if type="textoptions" Get the value according to selected category
πŸ†• isAllowCustomValue Boolean false
When this parameter is set to true, it allows you to send multiple custom values for type=textoptions
πŸ†• isAllowDuplicateCategories Boolean true Switch between unique/duplicate categories (key)
πŸ†• isAllowDuplicateOptions Boolean false Switch between unique/duplicate values
πŸ†• fuzzySearchKeyAttribute String name If Category (options)values are Array<Object> then By default fuzzy search look for name attribute inside options(values) but you can change that attribut lookup key using fuzzySearchKeyAttribute

How to Contribute

Setting Up

Please run npm install in the root and example folders. then do the following:

  • Go to root folder and run npm start after this
  • Go to example folder and run npm run link (only for first time)
  • Go to example folder and run npm start it would run the plugin from link which we have created.

Now, anytime you make a change to your library in src/ or to the example app's example/src create-react-app will live-reload your local dev server so you can iterate on your component in real-time.


MIT Β© kevalbhatt