This repository contains an example of running a MapReduce job using Hadoop in Docker. Below are the steps and details of the setup and how i insert the data:
- Docker
Clone the Repository
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone url_this_repo cd to_the_folder
Run Hadoop Cluster
Start a multinode Hadoop cluster using Docker:
docker compose up -d
Verify Hadoop Cluster Status
Ensure all containers are running and Hadoop services are up:
docker compose ps
Prepare Input Data
Upload input data files (
in this example) to Hadoop HDFS:docker exec -it hadoop-settings-namenode-1 bash -c "hadoop fs -put /usr/hadoop/Indonesian.csv /"
Run MapReduce Job
Execute a word count example job:
docker exec -it hadoop-settings-namenode-1 bash -c "yarn jar /opt/hadoop-3.3.6/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-3.3.6.jar wordcount /Indonesian.csv /output"
View Job Results
Monitor the job progress and view results:
- Check job status and details in the Hadoop Resource Manager UI (
). - View job counters and output files in Hadoop HDFS:
docker exec -it hadoop-settings-namenode-1 bash -c "hadoop fs -ls /output" docker exec -it hadoop-settings-namenode-1 bash -c "hadoop fs -cat /output/part-r-00000"
- Check job status and details in the Hadoop Resource Manager UI (
Stop and remove the Docker containers:
docker compose down