Collects test coverage data from your Ruby test suite and sends it to Code Climate's hosted, automated code review service. Based on SimpleCov.
Code Climate -
Across the many different testing frameworks, setups, and environments, there are lots of variables at play. Before setting up test coverage, it's important to understand what we do and do not currently support:
Default branch only: We only support test coverage for your default branch. Be sure to check out this branch before running your tests.
Single payload: We currently only support a single test coverage payload per commit. If you run your tests in multiple steps, or via parallel tests, Code Climate will only process the first payload that we receive. If you are using a CI, be sure to check if you are running your tests in a parallel mode.
Note: There is one exception to this rule. We've specifically built an integration with Solano Labs to support parallel tests.
Note: If you've configured Code Climate to analyze multiple languages in the same repository (e.g., Ruby and JavaScript), we can nonetheless only process test coverage information for one of these languages. We'll process the first payload that we receive.
Invalid File Paths: By default, our test reporters expect your application to exist at the root of your repository. If this is not the case, the file paths in your test coverage payload will not match the file paths that Code Climate expects. For our Ruby test reporter, we have a work-around to this issue.
This gem requires a user, but not necessarily a paid account, on Code Climate, so if you don't have one the first step is to signup at: Then:
Add this to your Gemfile:
gem "codeclimate-test-reporter", group: :test
Start the test reporter on the very first line of your
file:require "codeclimate-test-reporter" CodeClimate::TestReporter.start
environment variable when you run your build
on your CI server, and the results will show up in your Code Climate account.
value is provided after you add your repo to your
Code Climate account by clicking on "Setup Test Coverage" on the right hand side of your feed.
Please contact if you need any assistance setting this up.
Certain behaviors of the test reporter can be configured. See the Configuration
class for more details. For example, you can change the logging level to not
print info messages:
Note that the configuration block must come before TestReporter.start.
CodeClimate::TestReporter.configure do |config|
config.logger.level = Logger::WARN
Another example for when your Rails application root is not at the root of the git repository root
CodeClimate::TestReporter.configure do |config|
config.path_prefix = "app_root" #the root of your Rails application relative to the repository root
config.git_dir = "../" #the relative or absolute location of your git root compared to where your tests are run
If you're having trouble setting up or working with our test coverage feature, see our detailed help doc, which covers the most common issues encountered.
Since ruby-test-reporter 0.4.0 you can use CodeClimate::TestReporter::Formatter
as a Simplecov formatter directly. Just add the formatter to your Simplecov formatter in addition to the rest of your configuration:
require 'codeclimate-test-reporter'
SimpleCov.start do
formatter SimpleCov::Formatter::MultiFormatter[
Using with parallel_tests
Note: This may work with other parallel test runners as long as they run on the same machine.
Be sure you're using simplecov
>= 0.9.0
Add the following to your test_helper.rb
instead of what is normally required.
require 'simplecov'
require 'codeclimate-test-reporter'
SimpleCov.add_filter 'vendor'
SimpleCov.formatters = []
SimpleCov.start CodeClimate::TestReporter.configuration.profile
Then after all your tests run, in a rake task or as a build step do:
require 'simplecov'
require 'codeclimate-test-reporter'
For the time-being, we don't officially support coverage data from parallel test runs. That said, codeclimate batch is a handy work-around that was created by one of our customers.
Note that this solution requires standing up a separate server (like a Heroku instance) that sits between your testing environment and Code Climate. Though this option is not formally supported, if you have an immediate need for parallel testing support, codeclimate batch is a helpful interim solution until we can release our official support for this.
Add the following to your spec or test helper:
VCR.configure do |config|
# your existing configuration
config.ignore_hosts ''
Add the following to your spec or test helper:
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(:allow => "")
If you are using a web stubbing library similar to VCR or WebMock which prevent external requests during test runs, you will need configure these libraries to allow Code Climate to make external requests.
Patches, bug fixes, feature requests, and pull requests are welcome on the GitHub page for this project:
This gem is maintained by Bryan Helmkamp (
Portions of the implementation were inspired by the coveralls-ruby gem.