AlienUI Public
A lightweight open-source UI component library that provides free Nativewind UI components for react native mobile apps.
AlienX Public
AlienX is a powerful VS Code snippet extension that generates UI components for both web and app in your VS Code environment
BuyGun Public
This is an Full-Stack ecommerce web app store where customers can buy Arms and Ammunitions. This project was created using React, Typescript, Tailwind CSS and Firebase.
JSFusion Public
Welcome to JSFusion, a vibrant Open-Source community hub for discovering, learning, and contributing to a diverse array of beginner to intermediate friendly JavaScript projects across various frame…
RealES Public
This is a real estate web app user interface built using typescript and nextjs.
RealES-App Public
This is a real estate mobile app user interface built using typescript, react native.
BuyGun-App Public
This is an Full-Stack ecommerce mobile app store where customers can buy Arms and Ammunitions. This project was created using Expo, React native, Typescript, twrnc and Firebase.
nativewindui Public
Forked from roninoss/nativewinduiCarefully crafted components that strive for a native look & feel. The perfect starting point for those that need to ship fast, and look good while doing it.
TypeScript Other UpdatedDec 23, 2024 -
ERC20-token Public
This is an ERC20 token built using Solidity.
Cryptoket Public
Cryptoket is a blockchain powered product where NFT can be traded. It is a NFT Marketplace built using JavaScript, React, Next Js, Web3.js, Solidity and Tailwind CSS for styling.
Bank-Account-Smart-Contract Public
This is a decentralized bank account app smart contract created using solidity. It is a multi-owner bank app.
fruithub Public
This is a fruithub mobile app built using JavaScript, React Native and Tailwind React Native Classname (twrnc) for styling
Soliditybeginnerstutproject Public
This repo contains solidity beginners tutorial project
Jetpay Public
This a payment mobile app built using JavaScript, TypeScript and React Native.
Portfolio-site Public
This is my portfolio website
Tradematrix Public
This a web3 crypto dashboard built using TypeScript, Tailwind CSS and Nextjs
simple-react-snippets Public
Forked from burkeholland/simple-react-snippetsSimple React Snippets for VS Code that you will actually use
TypeScript UpdatedJul 26, 2024 -
Sik Public
Sik is an ecommerce fashion website built using Nextjs, TypeScript and Tailwind CSS
Sync Public
This is a SAAS company landing page built using Nextjs, Typescript and TailwindCSS
Dwell-Interior Public
This is a interior decoration landing page built using TypeScript, Next.js and Tailwind CSS.
Bluetech-Project Public
This is Ecommerce product table built using Nextjs, Typescript and TailwindCSS for styling.
Rental_UI Public
This is a Rental Landing page built using Nextjs and TypeScript
Landingpage Public
Q-A-System Public
A simple Q & A App built using Python and Langchain
Technical_Writing_Projects Public
This is an all-in-one repo for all my technical writing projects ranging from Html to CSS to Tailwind CSS to Javascript to React To Next js to Frontend Development to Machine Learning to Deep Learn…
6 UpdatedMay 28, 2024 -
File-sharer Public
This is a fullstack website built using Next Js, Firebase, Tailwind CSS and Clerk Authentication. This web app helps in sharing files securely with your friends