This library provides a wrapper around the Bigcommerce REST API for use within Ruby apps or via the console.
If you find anything that is missing or needs clean up, please feel free to fork it and submit a changes with your pull request.
- Ruby 1.9+
To connect to the API, you need the following credentials:
For the OAuth API:
- Create and register an app at
- Have a callback URL defined
- Prepare the
For the Legacy API:
- Secure URL pointing to a Bigcommerce store
- Username of an authorized admin user of the store
- API key for the user
A valid API key is required to authenticate requests. To grant API access for a user, go to Control Panel > Users > Edit User and make sure that the 'Enable API access?' checkbox is ticked.
Download the lib folder and copy it to a path accessible within your app, or install the package directly from Rubygems:
gem install bigcommerce
In order to create a new Bigcommerce application, please visit Its free to sign up and only takes a moment. Once you have created your app, you can get a client_id
To use the API client in your Ruby code, provide the required credentials as follows:
require 'bigcommerce'
api ={
:store_hash => 'STORE_HASH',
:client_id => 'CLIENT_ID',
:access_token => 'ACCESS_TOKEN'
NOTE: You do not need extra SSL certificates when connecting to the OAuth version of the api.
To use the API client with the legacy credentials you can visit the main store page and under the "Setup & Tools" dropdown, you will see a link for the legacy API credentials.
require 'bigcommerce'
api ={
:store_url => "",
:username => "username",
:api_key => "api_key"
By default SSL is always enabled for the Legacy API. Remember that the fields :ssl_client_cert
, :ssl_client
, :ssl_ca_file
and :verify_peer
are all required when specifying your own self-signed SSL certificate.
require 'bigcommerce'
api ={
:store_url => "",
:username => "username",
:api_key => "api_key",
:ssl_client_cert => "/path/to/cert.pem",
:ssl_client => { path: "/path/to/key.pem", passphrase: "passphrase, if any" },
:ssl_ca_file => "/path/to/ca_certificate.pem",
:verify_peer => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
Disabling the SSL verification is only advisable in development environment and it can be done by explicitly passing OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
value in :verify_peer
field as below:
require 'bigcommerce'
api ={
:store_url => "",
:username => "username",
:api_key => "api_key",
:ssl_client_cert => "/path/to/cert.pem",
:ssl_client => { path: "/path/to/key.pem", passphrase: "passphrase, if any" },
:ssl_ca_file => "/path/to/ca_certificate.pem",
:verify_peer => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
Once you have authenticated with the OAuth or Legacy credentials, ping the time method to check that your configuration is working and you can connect successfully to the store:
ping = api.time()
For full reference about the resources and supported endpoints, please see