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File metadata and controls

100 lines (59 loc) · 3.05 KB


Build Status

CarrierWave extension to validate uploaded files.


Install the latest stable release:

$[sudo] gem install carrierwave-validators

In Rails, add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'carrierwave-validators'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Finally, restart the server to apply the changes.

Getting Started

Carrierwave-Validators supports following validators to validate your attachment:

  • SizeValidator - Validates the file size of uploaded file


SizeValidator validates the file size of files uploaded using CarrierWave.

Example Usage, in the model User with Carrierwave attachment avatar:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  mount_uploader :avatar, AvatarUploader
  validates :avatar, :size => { :in => 0..50.kilobytes } ## Validates if uploaded file is within 0 Bytes to 50 KiloBytes


 validates :avatar, :size => { :in => 0..50.kilobytes }

can be specified as

 validates_file_size :avatar, :in => 0..50.kilobytes  

Available options:

  • in : in between a Range of bytes , for example

      ## uploaded file size is within 0 Bytes to 50 KiloBytes
      validates :avatar, :size => { :in => 0..50.kilobytes } 
  • less_than : less than a number in bytes, for example

      ## uploaded file size is less than 5 MegaBytes
      validates :avatar, :size => { :less_than => 5.megabytes } 
  • greater_than : greater than a number in bytes, for example

      ## uploaded file size is greater than 5 KiloBytes
      validates :avatar, :size => { :greater_than => 5.kilobytes } 
  • less_than_or_equal_to : less than or equal to a number in bytes, for example

      ## uploaded file size is less than or equal to 1 MegaByte
      validates :avatar, :size => { :less_than_or_equal_to => 1.megabytes } 
  • greater_than_or_equal_to : greater than or equal to a number in bytes, for example

      ## uploaded file size is greater than or equal to 5 KiloBytes
      validates :avatar, :size => { :greater_than_or_equal_to => 5.kilobytes } 
  • message : error message to display, for example

       validates :avatar, :size => { :in => 0..50.kilobytes, :message => "Your custom error message" }   


The Active Record validations use the Rails i18n framework. Include the following keys in your translation files:

      in: "file size must be in between %{min} %{min_unit} and %{max} %{max_unit}"
      greater_than: "file size must be greater than %{count} %{unit}"
      greater_than_or_equal_to: "file size must be greater than or equal to %{count} %{unit}"
      less_than: "file size must be less than %{count} %{unit}"
      less_than_or_equal_to: "file size must be less than or equal to %{count} %{unit}"

      one: "Byte"
      other: "Bytes"


  • Add content-type validation