issues Search Results · repo:kiwidude68/calibre_plugins language:Python
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inkiwidude68/calibre_plugins (press backspace or delete to remove)Hello,
Could it be possible to add the search scope feature, similar to the one in Quality Check, to the Find Duplicates
plugin. In case of large libraries, trying to run the binary compare on the whole ...
- 1
- Opened 9 days ago
- #112
Hi And another one :) When trying to Create an empty book for the selected books in the list
calibre, version 7.26.0
FEHLER: Unbehandelter Ausnahmefehler: b AttributeError /b : ResolvePage object has ...
- 2
- Opened 24 days ago
- #111
Hi! Next error in 7.26
calibre, version 7.26.0
FEHLER: Unbehandelter Ausnahmefehler: b AttributeError /b : TextDelegate object has no attribute set_auto_complete_function
calibre 7.26 embedded-python: ...
- 3
- Opened 24 days ago
- #110
Hi! Working in 7.25 with the same .csv file Version 7.26 this error comes up:
img width= 437 alt= Image src= /
`calibre, ...
- 2
- Opened 25 days ago
- #109
Hi –
Thanks for all your work on this plugin. I d like to find all books missing Goodreads IDs but there doesn t seem to be
an easy way to do so. I tried putting in goodreads:false, following the format ...
- 2
- Opened 29 days ago
- #107
Apologies if this is already a feature. I have read all the docs but am unable to find it.
Instead of running each check individually, I d like to be able to run all checks in a give high-level menu, ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 30
- #106
I have several virtual libraries containing different types of ebooks, and wanted to use some custom columns exclusively
for certain virtual libraries. I created different views with view manager for each ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 16
- #105
When I want to configure Goodreads sync I get the following error message:
Tried to uninstall and install the plugin but without any succes.
calibre, version 7.23.0
ERROR: Unhandled exception: b AttributeError ...
- 3
- Opened on Jan 9
- #104
Hi there,
Thank you for creating this plugin, it s very useful!
I ve come accross a strange requirement when searching on Audio Book Bay, if you don t enter your search as all lower
case, it will just ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 7
- #102
So I want to add the comments from the metadata to the covers generated by the Generate Cover plugin.
However when I put {comments} in the custom field, it shows the html that goes with the comments and ...
- 18
- Opened on Jan 5
- #101

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