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Count Pages Plugin

MobileRead History License calibre Version Status


This plugin will determine a number of pages and/or words in a book and store the result in custom column(s). In addition to just general library browsing usage, Kindle users can generate APNX files using the value from a pages custom column. So when you send an ebook to your Kindle device from calibre, you will have page numbering available similar to that when loading Amazon books which offer this feature.

You have two methods of determining page count with this plugin.

  • Estimate based on your book format content
  • Download from a web page such as Goodreads

In addition you can calculate word counts, and a variety of readability statistics such as Flesch-Kincaid and Gunning Fog index.

For more information, see the Wiki

Development / Contributions

All kiwidude's calibre plugins are now developed and maintained in GitHub at:

Please see the and at the above site for more information.