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Find Duplicates Plugin

MobileRead History License calibre Version Status


This plugin will help you to identify duplicate authors, titles, formats, series, publishers, tags and identifiers in your Calibre libraries.

  • Duplicate authors are where you have multiple variants of an author due to spacing, punctuation, spelling differences or word order. e.g. Kevin Anderson / Kevin J. Anderson / Keven Anderson / Anderson, Kevin / Anderson Kevin / Bloggs, Joe & Anderson, Kevin
  • Duplicate titles are where you have multiple book entries with either the same or varying titles. e.g. Martian Way / The Martian Way / The Martian Way (2010) / The Martian Way and Other Stories
  • Duplicate formats are where the contents of a particular format like ePub are binary identical to another in your library

For more information, see the Wiki

Development / Contributions

All kiwidude's calibre plugins are now developed and maintained in GitHub at:

Please see the and at the above site for more information.