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Manage Series Plugin

MobileRead History License calibre Version Status


This plugin offers a GUI allowing you to quickly create and edit your series column values for your selected books using either drag/drop or keyboard shortcuts. With the current deprecation of various Calibre series metadata sources (except when using the Goodreads metadata plugin) users may find the need for more manual editing of their series information.

It is intended as a convenience alternative to the editing the series column in the library view, where the [] square brackets must be very carefully edited within. This can get painfully repetitive particularly for renumbering large series.

You may also find it more convenient than the careful mouse selection ordering required by the bulk metadata edit dialog (which also does not allow for .1 type series values).

For more information, see the Wiki

Development / Contributions

All kiwidude's calibre plugins are now developed and maintained in GitHub at:

Please see the and at the above site for more information.