is a library that simplifies building complex, declarative middleware for Next.js applications. It allows you to create highly readable and maintainable middleware by composing multiple functions together.
- Path-based middleware execution (like "Nested Middleware")
- Composition of functions divided by interest (including early exit)
Next.js v12.2.0+ (Middleware support)
npm install next-compose-middleware
# or
yarn add next-compose-middleware
# or
pnpm add next-compose-middleware
export default async function middleware(req: NextRequest) {
* Path : Middleware execution order
* `/` : root1 -> root2
* `/foo` : root1 -> root2 -> foo
* `/foo/bar/hoge` : root1 -> root2 -> foo -> fooBar
* `/foo/bar/xxxx/baz` : root1 -> root2 -> foo -> fooId -> fooIdBaz
return composeMiddleware(req,, {
scripts: [root1, root2],
'/foo': {
scripts: [foo],
'/bar': {
scripts: [fooBar],
'/[id]': {
scripts: [fooId],
'/baz': [fooIdBaz]
// β Either writing method will work, but if you want to nest more, you have to write it in the Object
'/qux': [fooQux]
'/qux': {
scripts: [fooQux]
Each middleware function is a ComposableMiddleware
It is almost identical to the Next.js middleware, except for additional arguments.
* type ComposableMiddleware = (
* req: NextRequest,
* res: NextResponse,
* handler?: {...} // explained at next section
* ) => Promise<Response>;
const fooMiddleware: ComposableMiddleware = async (req, res) => {
res.cookies.set('foo', 'foo')
return res;
To abort the process at a specific middleware without executing subsequent functions, use the breakAll or breakOnce handler from the third argument.
const basicAuth: ComposableMiddleware = async (req, res, { breakAll, breakOnce }) => {
const success = validateBasicAuth(req); // returns boolean
if (success) {
return res;
} else {
return breakAll(res); // All subsequent middleware (e.g., refreshToken, foo, etc.) will not be executed.
// or
return breakOnce(res); // Only subsequent middleware in the same hierarchy (e.g., refreshToken) will not be executed (foo will be executed).
export default async function middleware(req: NextRequest) {
return composeMiddleware(req,, {
scripts: [basicAuth, refreshToken],
'/foo': {
scripts: [foo],