- Tokyo, Japan
- 9h ahead - @knu
- https://mr.am/
🎨 The macOS color picker as an app with more features
Production repository for the all-new Advantage360 Professional using ZMK engine
Linux Driver for USB WiFi Adapters that are based on the RTL8812BU and RTL8822BU Chipsets - v5.13.1
Moralerspace は、欧文フォント Monaspace と日本語フォント IBM Plex Sans JP 等を合成したプログラミング向けフォントです。
howxcheng / docker-webdav
Forked from ionelmc/docker-webdavNGINX WebDAV container
🗑️ git-sync to fast-forward outdated branches and remove merged and deleted upstream branches
Enveloppe helps you to publish your notes on a GitHub repository from your Obsidian Vault, for free!
Create markdown-backed Kanban boards in Obsidian.
A Spoon package of my Hammerspoon modules, mainly for keyboard customization
Interactive console (REPL) for Openresty and luajit code
A more helpful way to view differences between complex data structures in RSpec.
debauchee / barrier
Forked from deskflow/deskflowOpen-source KVM software
A React display ad component using Google Publisher Tag
ticketmaster / react-gpt
Forked from nfl/react-gptA React display ad component using Google Publisher Tag
Cookbook for JavaScript for Automation in Mac OS X Yosemite
go gettable decoder/converter for HEIF/HEIC based on libde265
Retroactive has been discontinued. You should transition from Retroactive to supported apps such as Music, iTunes for Windows, iMazing, Photos, Darktable, Lightroom Classic, and DaVinci Resolve.
Regression Test Selection library for your RSpec test suite
A central repository for sharing type definitions for Ruby gems