issues Search Results · repo:koajs/kick-off-koa language:JavaScript
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inkoajs/kick-off-koa (press backspace or delete to remove)For example, Exercise 1 still tells you to use app = koa() instead of the class-based notation (app = new Koa()). And
once you change this, koa tells you that generators are now deprecated and will be ...
- 5
- Opened on May 1, 2017
- #56
I m not sure if this is a bug on my end or something, but the background isn t being cleared, and when it prints out
instructions they re usually garbled with the leftover stuff from the last scene or ...
- Opened on Mar 22, 2017
- #55
After copying and pasting the solution, I still get the following error:
Server listening at port 63797
✗ Error connecting to submission server (http://localhost:63797/), options: { requestUrls :[ http://localhost:63797/ ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 10, 2017
- #53
Why i passed test?
var koa = require( koa ),
parse = require( co-body ),
app = koa();
app.use(function* (next) {
if(this.path !== / this.method !== GET ) {
return yield next;
var body ...
- Opened on Nov 5, 2016
- #51
I feel a bit weird about npm -g installing Koa as I don t like making things globally available as coding packages when
they are more coding tutorial programs...
Do you want us to make you a Windows installer ...
- 1
- Opened on Jul 6, 2016
- #45
I find it reports error when selecting CHOOSE LANGUAGE again.
1. $ kick-off-koa
2. select CHOOSE LANGUAGE then select French (or English)
error notes
events.js:72 ...
- 1
- Opened on Apr 12, 2016
- #43
I can t verify first exercise, even if I copy it s source from this repository.
After I try kick-off-koa verify ex1.js I get following error:
/Users/nikolaykletskin/projects/nodeschool/koa/node_modules/koa/node_modules/composition/node_modules/any-promise/register.js:61 ...
- 2
- Opened on Mar 9, 2016
- #42
In the task of error handler, the response cannot be set with ctx.body = internal server error . Here is my error
handler :
function errorHandler(ctx, next) {
try {
return next();
- 3
- Opened on Nov 19, 2015
- #36
when I run into Exercise 4 of 11
I get the result:
1. ACTUAL: `/json` respond body: {\ foo\ :\ bar\ }
1. EXPECTED: `/json` respond body: {\ foo\ :\ bar\ }
2. ACTUAL: `/json` respond content-type: ...
- Opened on Nov 15, 2015
- #35

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