Koa uses co under the hood, so to fully understand how Koa works, you must understand co.
Co uses ES6 generators. You can tell if a function is a generator if it has a star:
function* () {
is a keyword specific to generators and allows users to arbitrarily suspend functions at any yield
is not a magical async function - co does all that magic behind the scenes.
You can think of co
's use of generators like this with node callbacks:
function* () {
var val = yield /* breakpoint */ function (next) {
// #pause at the break point
// execute an asynchronous function
setTimeout(function () {
// return the value node.js callback-style
next(null, 1);
}, 100);
assert(val === 1);
This workshop will not cover all the intricacies of generators as that alone would be its own workshop, and most people (including myself) wouldn't be able to understand generators in less than a day.
You can only yield
a few types of "async" things in Co. We call these "yieldables".:
Thunks are asynchronous functions that only allow a callback:
function (done) {
setTimeout(function () {
done(/* error: */ null, true);
}, 100)
If there are additional arguments on this function, a neat trick is to simply wrap it in a thunk or return a thunk. You may be interested in thunkify, but we will learn how to "thunkify" node.js-style callbacks in this exercise.
We won't show you how to write code with promises,
but you can yield
In this exercise, we will learn how to create "yieldables" from callbacks.
We will not go into depth of how generators and co
works as it is unnecessary for Koa.