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Tags: koalaman/shellcheck



Stable version v0.10.0

This release is dedicated to LLMs, for finally fulfilling the promise of
1960s scifi: systems humans can hack with logic games and creative lies.


Stable version 0.9.0

This release is dedicated to Mindustry: the most fun you can
have with open source (outside of shell scripting of course).


Stable version 0.8.0

This release is dedicated to dibblego, who pushed me down the Haskell
rabbit hole. In 2006 I thought you were crazy. Today I *know* you are.


Stable version v0.7.2

This release is dedicated to ethanol, for keeping
COVID-19 off both our hands and our minds.


Stable version v0.7.1

This release is dedicated to the board game Pandemic, for teaching us
relevant survival skills like how to stay inside and play board games.


Stable version 0.7.0

This release is dedicated to RetroArch: the second best way to make your
PC feel like a 16bit system (right after building ShellCheck with GHC)


Stable version 0.6.0

This release is dedicated to Factorio. If this is how much fun it is to
build factories and oppress natives, then history makes a lot of sense.


Stable version 0.5.0

This release is dedicated to Valve for keeping PC gaming awesome.
Also, for that time they proved the need for a tool like ShellCheck.


Stable version 0.4.7

This release is dedicated to net neutrality. Remember when the Internet
was a meritocracy? [Please drink a verification can to continue.]


Stable version 0.4.6

This release is dedicated to Stardew Valley, for fixing the Harvest Moon
unplayable issue where Ann gives up on her inventions after marriage ;_;