This is my GitHub, this is where my code lives.
I am a Computer Scientist that likes to code for fun and for a living.
- UX and Usability
- Cryptocurrencies
- Open Source Software
- Javascript (ehem ECMAScript 🤓 and yes including but not limited to flavours of Typescript, Flow, and ES6)
- Python (mostly 3 but I used to do 2 🐍)
- Solidity (yeah EVM ftw 🙌)
- C (this was heavily used in college but I only use it when I want to do stuff with the bare metal like Arduino or some specific programs 💪)
- Go
- Rust
- OCaml
Merge sort: because it's easy to implement and has a decent average O.
Bloom filters: because they sometimes lie to you, but that's ok. please don't spam (you are however encouraged to reports bugs on public or OSS I write).
Last but not least a picture of my cat, since the internet is not entirely full of them anyway. 🐈